Caregiver Stories

Lynnel Lights a Match to Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver Tip: “I’ve devised a new approach to relieve all stresses of caregiving, one that considers the needs of the senior and the caregiver as a unit.”

I’m a professional caregiver with over 18 years of experience in various forms of caregiving. And to maintain my licensing, I must comply with the latest regulations concerning caregiving. All these years, it’s been an honor to take care of individuals in need of care.

But ever since the pandemic, though I’ve heard many success stories in terms of patient outcomes, sadly, it’s like there’s an epidemic of caregiver burnout that has spread throughout the country. This is a serious situation as it can be life-threatening to the caregiver who’s working 24/7, and that too, without any support system.

Some friends of mine experienced burnout to such an extent that they lost their lives. There needs to be a new approach to caregiving, one that considers the needs of the senior and the caregiver as a unit. So, I resolved to do something about it.

I started re-evaluating the training that I received as a professional caregiver: I’d completed over 96 training modules, which contained information that the average caregiver wouldn’t have access to. There was valuable information that would help us relieve the everyday burnout we experience as professional caregivers. Thus, I created a 4-week training program that helps caregivers put an end to their burnout. You can check out the program that entails a full-service caregiving system on

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