fbpixel Home Care Documentation | CareSmartz360 Digital Library

Keep important documents, training manuals and templates in one place

Frequently used documents available in the Digital Library

If there are office documents that caregivers or other staff need to access again and again, like training manuals or compliance documents, you can upload them to the Digital Library where they can be accessed by the staff from the portal.


Upload Documents

You can add your own documents, manuals, and training materials for caregivers here.

Keep documents updated and consistent for your staff in the Digital Library. They can download documents for convenience too.


Archive, update folders

You can archive folders no longer in use or update them if changes are made.

Archiving and updating folders allows you and your staff to stay current and eliminates confusion about which documents and forms are applicable.


Got a Question?

The Digital Library helps you keep track of your important documents. You can upload compliance documents, certifications, licenses, manuals etc.

Yes, you can provide the link of the web page where the file is uploaded.

Once your staff has logged in, they can view documents in the library and even download them if need be.

You can upload files in most common formats: PDF, Word, Excel, JPEG and more.

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