February, 2021

New Features and Updates

Updated Master Scheduling, Payroll, Reporting, UI/UX & EVV

Following are the changes in this release:

1. Updates in Master Schedule

1. While updating the Master Schedule plan only the modified fields will be affected in the child plan.

2. If Master and Child schedules have different values of a field(s), then visual indicators have been added in the edit pop-up.

Now-you-can-edit-and-modify-master-schedule-plan- caresmartz360-Updates

3. Moving forward, while editing/creating a Master Schedule/Child Plan, you can select a “Service Type” and “Bill Type”. Based on the Date range, the system will automatically identify if there is a valid Auth linked with the selected “Bill Type” & “Service Type.” The system will then apply the authorization to the schedules being released from the Release Visit Plan automatically.

2. Applicability of Overnight Shift Split Setting

1. When “Overnight Shift Split” is turned ON, it is applicable for all existing clients i.e. for active as well as inactive clients.

2. If the configuration of any client is different than the agency Overnight Shift Split Setting on the Settings page, the Overnight Shift Split will show “Partial/ Indeterminate” checkbox.


3. Client Billable Hours data under the Time Tracking View is different from the ones displayed under schedule calendar.

1. In the Time Tracking Views screen(s), if the date range for instance is 10/01/21-11/01/21, then all the schedules within the date range of 10/01/21 -10/01/21 and 10/01/21 -11/01/21 will be included in the result list. However, overnight schedules beginning on 09/30/21 will not part of the searched result list. This will align hours/units counts with reports in CS360.

4. Hours replaced by decimal units on Schedule Calendar.

1. On the Schedule Calendar, the hours and minutes logic is removed and the same is replaced by decimal units i.e 1 hour 15 mins will be shown as 1.25 hours.

In-schedule-calendar-the-hours-and-minutes-is-replaced-by-decimal-units - caresmartz360-Updates

5. Validations in the system if Bill Rate or Pay Rate is $0

1. On the Release Visit Plan screen – If a user is going to release some schedules which are either missing Bill or Pay Rate or Both (schedule should be Billable or Payable or Both) then a list of schedules with missing Bill rate or Pay rate will be shown in the pop-up. Also in the grid, if a Bill or Pay rate is missing then “(No rate Defined)” will be highlighted in red. User can then go back and edit or skip.

Bill or Pay rate is missing then-it-will be highlighted in red - caresmartz360-Updates
Validations in the system if Bill Rate or Pay Rate is $0 - caresmartz360-Updates

2. If the Agency has set Auto Approval in Office Settings

1. if the schedule is “Billable and Payable” and Bill Rate or Pay rate or Both are missing, then the schedule will not be auto-approved (if designated in Office Settings); it will be in Needs Review status.

2. If a schedule is “Billable but not Payable” and the Bill Rate is missing, then the schedule will not be auto-approved; it will be in Needs Review status.

3. If a schedule is “Not-billable but Payable” and Pay Rate is missing, then the schedule will not be auto-approved; it will be in Needs Review status.

4. If a schedule is “Billable No Charge but Payable” and Pay Rate is missing, then the schedule will not be auto-approved; it will be in Needs Review status.

3. If Agency has set Time Tracking Confirmed in Office Settings

1. Then, all the screens from where schedules can be manually approved, either single or in bulk, schedules can be manually approved, for example, Time tracking view- Individual and bulk, Schedule calendar, etc, schedule window, etc. system will show the validation that agency is approving a shift which is either missing bill or pay rate. Here also, the condition of firing the validation will remain the same as defined in 5.2 above.

6. Process Payroll – Highlight unusual activity in Mileage and Travel time calculation

Update in Payroll Settings:

1. In Settings – Payroll you will be able to define the “Max. Miles between consecutive shifts”.

2. Similarly you can define: “Max. minutes of reasonable travel time”.

Able to define the Maximum Miles between consecutive shifts - caresmartz360-Updates.
Able to define the Maximum minutes of reasonable travel time - caresmartz360-Updates
Highlight unusual activity in Mileage and Travel time calculation-  caresmartz360-Payroll Updates

On the Process Payroll screen, if any of the above-defined limits are exceeded then the schedule row on the process payroll screen will be highlighted in Yellow.

limits are exceeded then the schedule row screen will be highlighted in Yellow caresmartz360-Payroll Updates

7. Report Updates

1. Client Report

1. Filters updated.

a) Updated the data grouping in the results.

b) Added Middle Initial of Client name.

c) Added Title and Description on the top.

New filters are update in clients report- caresmartz360 -updates

2. Caregiver List

1. Filters updated with Base Territory filter.

2. Updated the data grouping in the results.

3. Added Territory column in the results.

New filters are update in caregiver list- caresmartz360 -updates

3. Client Billable Hours Report

1. Added Client status and Group by Territory filters.

2. Added Client status column in the results.

 New filters are update in  Client Billable Hours Report- caresmartz360 -updates

4. Client Total Hours per month

1. Report name updated to “Client Total Schedules and Hours per month”.

2. Filters updated.

3. Added Number of schedules of a client.

4. Updated the data grouping in the results.

Filters and Report name updated to Client Total Schedules and Hours per month

5. Caregiver Payable Hours

1. Added Group by Territory and Caregiver Status filters.

2. Added Caregiver Status column in the results.

3. Meeting hours now considered for the calculations.

New filters are added in Caregiver Payable Hours - caresmartz360 -updates

6. Active Clients with No Future Schedules

1. Updated report Title to “Clients with No Future Schedules”.

2. Added Client Status and Territory filters.

Updated report Title to “Clients with No Future Schedules- caresmartz360 -updates

7. Deleted Shifts Report

Schedule Data in the report will be chronologically sorted by deleted date within the grouping.

Schedule Data in the report will be sorted by deleted date within the grouping.

8. Schedule Decline

1. Report Name updated to Shift Decline Report.

2. Updated filters and added Caregiver Status Filter.

3. Results now grouped by Caregiver.

4. Schedule Data in the report will be chronologically sorted within the grouping.

Schedule Data in the report will be  sorted within the grouping.

8. Added columns to the Task and Communication sections to know who created the Communication.

Below mentioned two columns have been added in the Task and Communication section for the Client as well as the Caregiver:

1. Created By

2. Created On

3. This would help the user to know the date of task/communication creation as well as it would help the user to know by whom the task/communication was created.

Columns have been added in the Task and Communication section

9. Sort the Task and Communications under the Caregiver and Clients by the Date field.

The Task and Communication section under the Caregiver and the Client profile will, by default be sorted by the Date field.

Task and Communication section under the Caregiver and the Client profile will be sorted by the Date field.

10. Open shift SMS and Email Notification

Agency users/caregivers will be notified through an SMS as well as Email notification, about all the open Shift(s) in the upcoming 7 days (if the service is opted). The notification will now be triggered at 7:00 AM instead of 12:00 AM (Currently Implemented). This will coincide with your agency time zone.

11. Territory Information will be displayed on the SMS Logs Widget on the Dashboard.

The SMS logs widget will now display the territory information along with the existing fields in the search result list.

SMS logs widget will now display the territory information in the search result list.

12. Validation while sending Payroll to QBD

Earlier it was required to match all Pay codes for one Service type even if it is not used in the Payroll batch which we are trying to send to QBD. Now the system will show validation message only for those schedules where the Pay Code for a Service Type is not mapped and that Service Type exists in the Payroll which we are trying to send to QBD. Once a user receives the validation message, the user can either unselect those schedules or go back and match the used Service Type with the Pay Code to send the Payroll batch to QBD.

13. UI/UX improvements:

1. Search box length reduced for claim codes.

Search box length reduced to improve ui and ux

2. The search count is shown next to the Table name.

Now search count is shown next to the Table name.

3. Character count of a field shown parallel to the field name.

Character count of a field shown parallel to the field name

EVV Updates

14. Sandata Updated workflow

1. User(s) will have the ability to post data to Sandata via the new & improved UI.

15. Updates to Adjustment codes for schedules being sent to HHA exchange

From this release onwards, the adjustment codes will be asked only on those schedules where the status is getting changed to one of the following statuses only along with the EVV pointers.

1. Cancelled by client

2. Cancelled by office

3. Cancelled by caregiver

4. Caregiver No show

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