September, 2018

New Features and Updates

Time Track, Custom ID Numbers, Reports, Family Feedback, and Accounting Updates

In this release are the following changes:


1. Custom Time Tracking ID

Initially, the time tracking ID will still be system generated, however, you have the option to change it as for either business continuity or to give caregivers numbers that they request to make it easier to remember.The change MUST be made before the ID is used by the caregiver for clocking-in.

Once the time tracking ID of a caregiver has been changed by the Agency/Admin user, the caregiver will receive an email or a text regarding the update.

Custom Time Tracking

2. Caregiver Hire and First Service Dates

When a caregiver is added to the system, the Caregiver Hire Date will be auto-populated in the caregiver’s profile. You may edit the Hire Date as per your records.

Caregiver Hire and First Service

When the caregiver has his/her first approved schedule, the system will populate the First Service Date accordingly.

3. Caregiver Status Change

When the caregiver’s status is changed to any value other than ‘Active’, the system will generate a pop-up which will ask for the following information:

  • a. Do you want to change the schedules of the caregivers to Open Shifts
  • b. Separation Reason

Caregiver Status Change

After you enter the separation reason, the system will auto-populate the Service Last Day as the day when the caregiver had the last approved schedule before changing the status.

This information will be stored in Caregiver Profile > HR Section > Separation History block.

4. Caregiver Access to Previous Notes

When the caregiver logs into the Caregiver Portal, in addition to adding notes for the current schedule, he/she will be able to access Notes of the previous billing week’s schedules as well.This will include notes by any caregiver from any shift in the previous 7 days.

Caregiver Access

For example, a caregiver going for a schedule on Wednesday wants to access the notes put in for a Monday shift by a different caregiver, the caregiver will be able to see those notes. A new tab ‘Visit Notes’ has been added to access the notes of the previous 7-day shifts. The caregiver can also add new notes in the new tab. The caregiver cannot edit notes already created.

5. Public Transit Directions – Caregiver Portal

When a caregiver logs into the caregiver portal, he/she will be able to see the directions to the client’s house using Public Transit.

Public Transit Directions

6. Notes – Caregiver Portal

In the caregiver portal, the character limit for notes has been increased from 240 characters to 1000 characters so that more information can be entered.


7. Client ID Numbers

When a new client is added to the system, the system will generate a Client ID using the format below :

  • The first 2 digits will be corresponding to the Year of Admission.
  • The next 3 digits will be corresponding to the counter of 001.

Once the client has been created and the Client ID has been system-defined, you can do a one-time edit on the client ID as per your requirements. This will allow you to enter your own client ID #s if you use them.After it has been changed once, the system will disable the Client ID field.


8. Accounting Report – Detailed Billed Units by Client

A new report has been added to the Accounting Reports: Detailed Billed Units by Client

  • 1. the total number of units a caregiver has worked for a client
  • 2. the total number of hours that a caregiver has worked

Accounting Reporting


9. Authorization Widget

A new widget has been added to the dashboard to show the authorization rates, defined in the Payer section of the client, which are expiring in the coming 30 days. This will help you to create a new authorization, well before the expiration.

As with other expiration notifications, in the Office Settings, you can select the Agency user(s) who will get notified via email/SMS about the expiration.


10. Caregiver Feedback to Family

The agency/admin users can now edit the family feedback provided by the caregiver before publishing it on the Client Portal.

The Family Feedback by the Caregiver can be seen under the Care History of the schedule or on the dashboard widget.

Care History

And clicking on Edit icon, agency user/admin can edit the feedback left by the caregiver and then publish to the client portal.


**Please make sure that you have enabled the option in the Office Settings named

‘Require Agency Approval to Publish Caregiver Feedback to Family’

Office Settings

Office Settings

11. Multiple options for Overtime

If you charge/pay double overtime per a defined set of hours, there are more options now.

  • a. you can now choose 2 (Double) as an option
  • b. you can also select Daily, Weekly, or Both as parameters for how to bill/pay OT.


12. Adding Rates to Multiple Call Types

The agency users can now add rates for multiple call types at the same time. Multiple call types can be selected, and a rate can be defined for all of them.

Multiple Call Types


13. Discount on Invoices

You can now offer a discount on invoices that are being sent to the payers. When you finalize an invoice, click on the Discount button. a pop-up will open where you can choose the discount type: Discount Amount or Discount Percentage and can define the values. This discount will also show on the invoice. The discount will be applicable only on the Original Invoice Amount.

Batch Details
Credit Adjustments

14. White Space on Invoices

The spacing on the invoices has been optimized to reduce the number of pages.

15. Overtime Hours on Invoice PDF

When you create a new invoice, you will see the regular and overtime (if applicable) hours. At the end of the invoice, you will also see the total regular hours and total overtime hours for that particular invoice.

Overtime Hours

Address Book

16. Address Book/Phone Number Improvement

When a new contact is created in the Address Book, you can choose the type of contact number you want to add and put in the details. When a new phone number is being added, a pop-up will open which will allow you to choose the type of number it is (home, mobile, office) from a drop-down menu. This will be the format in any place in the system where a phone number is requested.

17. Lead Source vs Referral Contact

When you are adding a new contact in the Address Book, you can classify the new contact as

  • Lead Source, which can be managed from the Admin Section-> CRM>Referral Management-> Consumer-> DDM – Referrals
  • Referral Contact which can be managed from the Admin Section-> CRM-> Referral Management-> Consumer-> Referral Source.

Lead Source

18. Increase in the Number of Lines Visible on a Page

We have increased the number of views in the paging option.Users can choose 10, 20, 50 or 100 lines per page.

Number of Lines


19. Calendar Format

The calendar format has been changed. The first day visible on the Calendar will depend on Week Start Day defined in the Office Settings -> Payroll section. If the Week Start Day is set as Monday, the calendar will show as Monday to Sunday.

20. Schedule on a Holiday

The color format of the cell for a holiday will be different. By default, the color format will be highlighted as an indicator for a holiday, so that the agency users can easily differentiate between a normal day and holiday.

Schedule On A Holiday

21. Manual Entry of Schedule Start/End Date & Time

You can now manually put in the Start/End Date and Time for ease of use. Please make sure to use the correct format of the date (MM/DD/YYYY) and time (XX:XX AM/PM) that you are entering. You will still be able to choose dates and times from the pop-up, as you have done previously.

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