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Personal Care Services
Personal Care Services

Good news for personal care service providers! The deadline for implementing Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) has been extended to 2020 from 2019.

Personal care service providers will have significant time to pick the right EVV system after assessing various options. They will also get a chance to spread out the costs–incurred in technology and staff training–over a long period.

It also means they can gradually roll out the EVV implementation without facing operational disruptions.

However, even with an extension, EVV is inevitable. So, providers must use this extra time to prepare for the eventual transition and take advantage of the long-term benefits of EVV–reduced paperwork, fewer billing and timekeeping errors, and much more.

Events leading to it

This development has occurred with U.S. President Donald Trump signing the H.R. 6042 bill in July 2018, supporting the deadline extension.

Republican Representative Brett Guthrie from Kentucky also supported the bill’s passing. Besides, there was no opposition from the Senate or the House.


This extension gives personal care service providers a strategic advantage to smoothly transition to the new EVV system in a planned and efficient manner.

Evaluate the system’s functionalities and potential benefits–streamlined documentation, improved billing accuracy, and expedited reimbursements–to create a transition plan.

Though the deadline has been extended, EVV remains the future. Thus, providers should fully leverage this extension for proactive preparation.

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