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  • Posted by Ruby
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  • September 12, 2019
cost structure and estimation of home care services

The cost of home care services & the value of home care software are two things that should be looked at. Home care services cost money, obviously, but are these worth the cost and effort?...

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  • Posted by Lisa
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  • September 11, 2019
Bnefits of home care instead of facility care

Want to know how to reduce medical visits for your loved one? How about how to engage your Caregiver Software Portal to help with this along by providing terrific Home Care for the Elderly? Home...

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  • Posted by Ruby
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  • September 10, 2019
homecare scheduling software

While the demand for home care is growing, the availability of in-home caregivers is declining, eventually leading to a grave labor shortage: this will be an ongoing challenge to home care agencies for at least...

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  • Posted by Lisa
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  • August 29, 2019
Question to ask

When people want to hire a home care service provider, even with or without using home care management software, there’s a few things that they should be aware of. Are you thinking of hiring a...

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  • Posted by Ruby
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  • August 27, 2019
obstacles addressed

Managing a home care agency is challenging. But it’s also rewarding. As one oversees caregivers, arranges visits, and focuses on providing excellent client care, one tends to neglect administrative duties. One place where headaches are...

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