Get ready for a delightful chat with Brandy Broadbent, the owner of Home Helpers Home Care of Rochester, Michigan! Brandy has dedicated her career to sprinkling kindness and support on those who need a little extra help. From personal care and companionship to light housework and even 24-hour GPS monitoring, her team is all about making life easier! Tune in to hear Brandy’s heartwarming stories and discover how they help everyone age gracefully!
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00:00:07.900 –> 00:00:31.540
Ruby Mehta: Welcome to CareSmartz360 On Air, a home care podcast. I am Ruby Mehta, VP Of Sales at Caresmartz. Today we are glad to welcome Brandy Broadband. The owner of Home Helpers Home Care of Rochester, Michigan. Brandy has dedicated her career to providing compassionate non-medical support to individuals in the Rochester area who need a little extra help around the house.
00:00:31.590 –> 00:00:59.959
Ruby Mehta: Home helpers. Home care offers a wide range of services from personal care and companionship to a lighthouse, to housework, transportation, and even 24-hour monitoring with GPS tracking for emergencies. Brandy and her team understand that maintaining independence and dignity is crucial as we age or face health challenges, and they work tirelessly to ensure their clients can continue living safely and comfortably in their own houses.
00:00:59.960 –> 00:01:10.959
Ruby Mehta: With Brandy’s leadership, home helpers has become a trusted resource in the community, providing personalized care plan, and a team of trained, bonded and insured caregivers.
00:01:11.080 –> 00:01:14.020
Ruby Mehta: Welcome to the podcast Randy. How are you?
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Brandy Broadbent: I’m doing great. Thank you for having me.
00:01:17.440 –> 00:01:46.910
Ruby Mehta: Awesome. So brandy. You have an extensive experience in home care operations, and being an owner of this franchisee, we want to understand, and our audience would love to really get your insight and expert advice. But let’s start with a typical day in your role as the owner of home helpers, home care. What are some of the key responsibility and tasks that you tackle on a daily basis?
00:01:47.610 –> 00:02:12.990
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, yeah, thank you. I think one of the fun things about being the owner of home helpers is that there’s really not a typical day per se. And so there’s a lot of variety. Some days are spent, or a lot of days are spent networking with other professionals in the senior community to really build my network, and so that when I
00:02:13.200 –> 00:02:41.909
Brandy Broadbent: go to clients if they have other needs, like, if they’re downsizing, I can point them in the direction of a trusted realtor. If they have, you know, organizing that they need to do, I have organizers that specifically work with seniors so really building that network of things, they need that so that I can be not only a resource for home care, but for other their other needs as well. So I spend a lot of time networking
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Brandy Broadbent: also going to Chamber of Commerce events, again to meet other people. In the community. And to let people know that I’m a trusted advisor in home health care or in home care.
00:02:54.300 –> 00:03:12.570
Brandy Broadbent: so a lot of times. These networking events lead to one on one meetings. Where, you know. Say, example, for somebody from Hospice, and I can sit down and discuss how we can support each other and really support the clients, so that our clients are taken care of as best as possible.
00:03:13.340 –> 00:03:29.299
Brandy Broadbent: Other days. And I just went through a round of hiring last week. So I spent 3 or 4 days hiring super highly qualified caregivers talking to people, really getting to know their background and how they can
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Brandy Broadbent: support the Home Helpers Mission of providing exceptional care to people.
00:03:34.630 –> 00:03:58.749
Brandy Broadbent: And then other days, and I just got back from a meeting with a potential client. They wanted to sit down and really understand the type of care that we can offer to their parents who are aging, having a little bit more problem, getting around doing the lighthousework, doing meal prep. And so I was really there to talk to them about what my caregivers can provide.
00:03:58.760 –> 00:04:07.239
Brandy Broadbent: Meal, preparation, lighthouse work. Helping them stimulate them that making sure it’s clear that not only do I want to
00:04:07.420 –> 00:04:23.869
Brandy Broadbent: want a caregiver who’s there to look after them. But I want a caregiver. I’m going to put a caregiver that’s there that’s going to stimulate them, help them with you know. Exercise, help them stimulate their mind, and that I’m really going to look after all in a holistic manner. Look after their parents.
00:04:24.292 –> 00:04:39.699
Brandy Broadbent: And then there’s other days, of course, when I’m just catching up with email and phone calls getting back to people setting up future meetings. And there’s some days that I’m following up with leads on the phone. Just trying to talk to more people. So yeah.
00:04:39.820 –> 00:04:40.440
Brandy Broadbent: thank you.
00:04:40.440 –> 00:04:50.820
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, it’s actually everything right from managing your employees to caregivers and networking, which is the most important and essential part of running a business.
00:04:51.400 –> 00:04:52.850
Brandy Broadbent: Absolutely, absolutely.
00:04:52.850 –> 00:04:54.034
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, so.
00:04:54.430 –> 00:04:55.080
Brandy Broadbent: And you.
00:04:56.130 –> 00:05:25.810
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, I talked to a lot of schedulers in the industry and and they’re always the busiest people in the office. They’re always dealing with phone calls, call offs, and a lot of different situations all the time. Tell us a little bit about scheduling and coordination at home. Helpers, how do you manage and handle scheduling in your office? So it’s not as difficult as it sounds.
00:05:26.630 –> 00:05:54.823
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Scheduling is key to meet the clients’ needs, which is our 1st priority. And then meet our caregivers needs and making sure that you’re matching the right caregiver with the client. So that’s a good bond that can form I couldn’t do it without our operating system. We use something called well sky, and so I can manage. I add shifts. I can assign shifts to different caregivers.
00:05:55.370 –> 00:06:24.100
Brandy Broadbent: you know one of the nice things about working for home helpers is that it’s really, really fits a flexible schedule. So caregivers can go in to the operating system and mark times that they’re unavailable. They can request days off when they’ve got something else going on so for me, as the one scheduling right now. It just gives me great visibility to go into the operating system, see who’s available, who’s not available.
00:06:24.100 –> 00:06:26.370
Brandy Broadbent: and that I can also read down
00:06:26.630 –> 00:06:48.858
Brandy Broadbent: the caregivers and see their what they’re best qualified to do. What kind of experience, you know, if I’m looking for a caregiver that has experience with dementia? I can read through my caregivers, find the one best suited for that client, and then match the caregiver with the client. I can also, I use well, sky as well. Not only for scheduling, but for
00:06:49.700 –> 00:07:15.839
Brandy Broadbent: for tracking my leads. So you know, if I get a lead, and I’ve tried calling the person a few times can’t get a hold of them. I make that note in well, sky, and then set a task for myself, you know. Okay, follow up with this person in a week. So in a week, I get an email notification telling me to check back with that potential client. So it makes sure that I’m following up with people.
00:07:16.120 –> 00:07:43.175
Brandy Broadbent: Also, when I go out and I’m networking, and I go visit, you know, an assisted living facility. I can come back and enter my notes. For the assisted living facility who I met with what we talked about. What my follow-up actions are and set future tasks for myself. So yeah, it’s really great to have kind of that all-in-one picture that I can look at, and it just helps manage my time helps
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Brandy Broadbent: make scheduling the most efficient use of my time as possible.
00:07:47.600 –> 00:07:54.410
Ruby Mehta: Oh, that’s great using technology and using the right tools really makes things easier. 100%.
00:07:54.410 –> 00:07:57.439
Brandy Broadbent: How I do it without it. Yeah, definitely makes it easier.
00:07:57.610 –> 00:08:06.060
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, and then the other aspect of operations is really managing your financial operational piece.
00:08:06.270 –> 00:08:13.520
Ruby Mehta: How do you? What do you use? And how do you really manage your financial activities within the office?
00:08:14.754 –> 00:08:18.379
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, for my financial tracking.
00:08:18.570 –> 00:08:43.320
Brandy Broadbent: You know I have. You know. Business card. That’s a debit card. I use QuickBooks into it. Their online version, which is connected to my bank account. So every time I use my debit card, it gets connected automatically to QuickBooks into it. So I have, you know, item by item, and it classifies it.
00:08:43.320 –> 00:08:54.290
Brandy Broadbent: you know, however particular, you know, if I had coffee, you know, coughing, networking if I have to. You know, when I purchase marketing supplies flyers, you know, I just did
00:08:54.670 –> 00:09:06.170
Brandy Broadbent: a big event at a senior center nearby. And so I you know, I had a bunch of flyers printed. So I use the debit card, and then it classifies that and Quickbooks
00:09:06.630 –> 00:09:30.699
Brandy Broadbent: QuickBooks is also nice, because at the end of every month anything that I didn’t use the debit card, for I go in and I put in individually, you know, if it’s a phone bill or utility bill that I don’t have set up on my debit card, I can go in and enter that individually. So I really find, and then into it works with well sky. So as far as my revenue coming in.
00:09:30.700 –> 00:09:46.140
Brandy Broadbent: I sync the 2 systems, and then my QuickBooks will give me. You know how much money is coming in versus how much is going out comparison to the previous month, so I can just real quick. One glance. See how I’m doing compared to last month.
00:09:47.003 –> 00:09:56.679
Brandy Broadbent: And and really keep and keep a close eye on that, on that kind of thing. So yeah, so QuickBooks right into it is definitely the way to the way I go.
00:09:57.170 –> 00:10:11.050
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, absolutely. No. That’s the key. Your operating system. If it connects with your accounting system. That’s really where you kind of tie everything together and create good Consolidated reports. That’s.
00:10:11.050 –> 00:10:12.940
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, those reports are so
00:10:13.030 –> 00:10:21.139
Brandy Broadbent: key so that I can know exactly how my business is doing on any day. And really, really, look at that really closely.
00:10:21.867 –> 00:10:35.370
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, so the other aspect that people really sometimes struggle with and talk a lot about it is recruitment and retention.
00:10:35.550 –> 00:10:50.529
Ruby Mehta: So how’s your experience being in the industry? How the trends have been changing. But first, let’s just talk about what processes do you follow to recruit, train, and retain your caregivers?
00:10:51.340 –> 00:11:01.980
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah for recruiting, you know. Again, I just, I rely on technology. So I put an application out on indeed.
00:11:02.400 –> 00:11:23.949
Brandy Broadbent: run the job advert for, you know, maybe 24 h until I get get enough people to apply and then I use indeed again. And I it. You know it’s works great. I can send out requests to interview on, and I specify. You know, the days and hours that I’m available.
00:11:23.980 –> 00:11:29.940
Brandy Broadbent: People sign up to interview with me, and then I block out time on my calendar.
00:11:30.230 –> 00:11:43.689
Brandy Broadbent: Interview candidates really find out about their background. You know, I always hire somebody who’s got experience caregiving or perhaps has. You know, their Cna also look for, you know.
00:11:44.370 –> 00:11:57.628
Brandy Broadbent: 1st Aid training work training with dementia or caregiving experience with dementia patients. So I look for that during my interview, and then I hire
00:11:58.410 –> 00:12:10.049
Brandy Broadbent: the best candidates that that I’ve interviewed, I think offering a flexible work. Schedule is really really helpful really has really benefited me.
00:12:10.388 –> 00:12:31.740
Brandy Broadbent: And then, you know, as far as training. You know, throughout the year. There’s different. You know, again, different technologies. There’s Care Academy that people can sign up for and get additional training, or we might have them in to an office and do an in person training just depending on what the focus of the training is so.
00:12:31.740 –> 00:12:42.780
Brandy Broadbent: I definitely find it important to dedicate times to interviewing and hiring people. To identify the best the best employees that I can find.
00:12:43.600 –> 00:12:59.720
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, no, that’s that’s great. Do you do anything specific for retention, or any how do you make sure that the top talent or the people that are really good with what they do. They are satisfied with the job.
00:13:00.680 –> 00:13:16.221
Brandy Broadbent: I think. You know some keys. Things that we do is offering a competitive salary. Our competitor competitive hourly wage and then offering flexible schedules are 2 key things. And then also, I think,
00:13:16.630 –> 00:13:36.189
Brandy Broadbent: Another way that I retain employees is by clear communication. If they need something. You know they can get in touch with me. I’ve got a call with an employee this afternoon who wants to go over a few things. And so we’re gonna have a nice conversation. And so I just you know, let them know
00:13:36.370 –> 00:14:00.750
Brandy Broadbent: what the clients’ needs are. And just really making sure that communication piece is a 2 way street, so that we’re always we always know what’s going on with the client, and that we’re always working to serve that client, that client best. So I think that helps with retention when people feel heard and understood. And I do what I can to make sure that happens.
00:14:01.660 –> 00:14:15.399
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, no, that’s that’s great. Communication is the key. If you, if your caregivers feel that they are heard and there is seamless communication. That’s what they’re looking for from an employer. 100%.
00:14:16.390 –> 00:14:17.989
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, I agree. I think it’s
00:14:18.280 –> 00:14:25.340
Brandy Broadbent: really helpful people. Yeah, when they have concerns about a client, they want to reach out, they reach out to me, and we talk about it, and
00:14:25.430 –> 00:14:30.342
Brandy Broadbent: see you know how we can communicate with the family, and what the best
00:14:30.880 –> 00:14:33.860
Brandy Broadbent: plan of action is with that particular client.
00:14:35.010 –> 00:14:45.460
Ruby Mehta: Yeah. Yeah. The other aspect, that that is very interesting and important as well is developing care plans
00:14:46.070 –> 00:15:15.110
Ruby Mehta: and making sure that they are detailed enough that caregivers know exactly what they’re supposed to do, and they have access to those care plans. So here comes my question. Then what do you follow to make sure it could be a tool or a technique or a general workflow that you have implemented? But what’s the process of developing those personalized care plans for your clients?
00:15:15.720 –> 00:15:22.379
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, yeah. Personalized care plan is critical. And it’s like, it’s individual to each
00:15:22.390 –> 00:15:32.250
Brandy Broadbent: client. I start thinking about a care plan. During my initial call with a potential client. I love hearing
00:15:32.440 –> 00:15:42.230
Brandy Broadbent: their stories about you know about their family, because there’s always interesting family dynamics going on and listening, really listening to the needs
00:15:42.550 –> 00:15:58.479
Brandy Broadbent: of the person they’re calling for, or if they’re calling for the self. And so I try to understand? You know, if it’s somebody with Parkinson’s, you know, what? How is their care going to be different from somebody with dementia versus somebody who’s going through cancer treatment. So I start
00:15:58.480 –> 00:16:15.640
Brandy Broadbent: thinking about things that I can offer to the client. As soon as I’m hearing those 1st statements, and then as we’re having our initial conversation. You know. I’ll say, Hey, you know. Sounds like, you know, your mom just got home from the hospital.
00:16:15.640 –> 00:16:36.729
Brandy Broadbent: Is she doing physical therapy? You know. Something my caregivers can do is help keep that physical therapy going. If it’s that, or just whatever I pick up on in that initial conversation that makes me think, oh, this could add be a really good benefit to the client’s life, you know. I want to bring that up, and then that’s the 1st step.
00:16:37.130 –> 00:17:00.180
Brandy Broadbent: The second step after that 1st call is I go and do a home visit. And this is where I get to meet the client. Meet some other family members. And during this I really want to listen to the client. Understand their situation? Understand their needs? You know. Do they need transportation to a doctor’s office?
00:17:00.180 –> 00:17:27.820
Brandy Broadbent: Do they need transportation to the grocery store? Do they want to meal prep. Do they need the caregiver to meal prep. Really understanding what would make their day better? What would bring them joy during this time that my caregiver has with them. I’m also looking for things like excessive clutter. If the house has any tripping hazards or fire hazards, because I want to make sure, 1st and foremost, that the clients in a safe.
00:17:27.900 –> 00:17:29.779
Brandy Broadbent: safe place. So
00:17:29.970 –> 00:17:58.120
Brandy Broadbent: I look at those things, you know. Do a look around the house, look for proper lighting or any hazards I might see, and then, you know, sit down with the client and go over that detailed care plan. You know. What would you like, you know? I see you have a garden outside. Would you like the caregiver to you, the caregiver, to do some gardening? And you know. Help, help! Keep up with the garden, you know. Is there exercises you like to do? Do you like to take walks? Do you like to do puzzles? Do you like to do games?
00:17:58.120 –> 00:18:26.380
Brandy Broadbent: And then, with any of those I’m able to go into my operating system and make detailed notes about what the client would like for the and for the caregiver to do during each session, and then the last part is following up with both the client and the caregiver after that 1st care? Do we need to make any adjustments? Was, you know, how did everything go? Did everything go well? Were you happy with the care that was given? Do I need to make changes?
00:18:26.703 –> 00:18:33.819
Brandy Broadbent: So I think just communication with client and caregiver to make sure that we’re exceeding the client’s needs is critical.
00:18:34.604 –> 00:18:41.720
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, definitely. So once you have. If you know your client’s situation and
00:18:41.780 –> 00:18:55.529
Ruby Mehta: how they live where they live, what are the risks you communicate them to your caregivers. That’s the beginning of that quality. Care that you intend to provide.
00:18:55.860 –> 00:19:06.360
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, yeah, providing quality care is so important. And I think the only way you can do it is by really understanding what the client needs and what’s gonna make the client have a wonderful day.
00:19:06.800 –> 00:19:08.620
Ruby Mehta: Absolutely. Yes.
00:19:08.800 –> 00:19:33.280
Ruby Mehta: yeah. So there are lots of things a home care agency owner does. I mean, in the last 20 min we have touched a lot of different areas. And it seems like you’re involved everywhere, be it recruitment operations, client assessment, networking business generation everything. So tell me, what’s the most rewarding
00:19:33.280 –> 00:19:42.089
Ruby Mehta: area? Or what are the aspects that you think are most rewarding, being in this community, or being in home care, business.
00:19:43.495 –> 00:19:57.539
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, I think. By far the most rewarding aspect of being a home care owner. Is helping the families. You know, I talk to families, and they’re stressed
00:19:57.550 –> 00:20:22.149
Brandy Broadbent: either because they’re trying to care for Mom and dad in between work and caring for their children. Or they’re out of town, and or they live out of town, and they can’t be there for Mom and dad the way that they would want to. And they’re just they’re incredibly stressed, you know, they’re trying to provide the care they that they want to. But they recognize finally, that, hey? They can’t do it on their own. So.
00:20:22.150 –> 00:20:32.942
Brandy Broadbent: being able to have this resource and say, Hey, I’m gonna make sure mom and dad are not only safe, but they’re having, you know, a great day that they’re well cared for.
00:20:33.470 –> 00:21:00.570
Brandy Broadbent: that they’re happy, that their physical lives are improving. Their mental lives are improving just being able to provide that to families and then talk to family after care is going, and just hear that relief in their voice that hey, my mom really really loved the caregiver with it. They’re just they bonded immediately, and they just had a great time like feeling hearing that fills me with so much joy, and it just makes me want to help
00:21:00.570 –> 00:21:22.340
Brandy Broadbent: more families, and just to let more people know that, you know help is out there. They don’t have to do it all themselves. People are so busy with jobs and families that they can’t spend 8 HA day with Mom or Dad. But there’s somebody that can, and my caregivers can do it, do an exceptional job. And so I just love helping families.
00:21:24.640 –> 00:21:33.820
Ruby Mehta: So true. That’s the most rewarding, I mean. If you have the passion of caring people, and that’s what you get.
00:21:34.390 –> 00:21:38.459
Brandy Broadbent: Yeah, yeah, people are wonderful. It’s a great thing to do.
00:21:38.680 –> 00:21:51.250
Ruby Mehta: Yeah. Yeah. Well, thank you. Brandy. Thank you for sparing out time for us and sharing your expertise. We are really grateful. Thank you.
00:21:51.760 –> 00:21:57.299
Brandy Broadbent: Thank you. Thanks for having me on. I’ve really enjoyed my time and getting to talk a little bit about what I love to do.
00:21:58.167 –> 00:22:00.909
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, until next time. Goodbye.
00:22:01.340 –> 00:22:02.060
Brandy Broadbent: Bye.
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