Tune in as we welcome Simon T. Bailey, recognized as the World's Leading Expert in Brilliance. Named a Top 25 Thought Leader by Success magazine and featured on prestigious power lists, Simon has left an indelible mark on over 2,400 organizations worldwide through his work at the Disney Institute. He captivates audiences, inspiring them to lead better, stay curious, and embrace a growth mindset.
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00:00:05.310 –> 00:00:12.520
Ruby Mehta: Welcome to CareSmartz On Air, a Home Care Podcast. My name is Ruby Mehta, I am VP Of Sales at CareSmartz.
00:00:12.530 –> 00:00:37.090
Ruby Mehta: Today we have the distinct honor of speaking with Simon T. Bailey, recognized as the world’s leading expert in brilliance. Simon has ascended to extraordinary heights, being named one of Success magazine’s top 25 thought leaders alongside icons like Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey. He’s also been featured on the leaders top 200 power list in 2023.
00:00:37.090 –> 00:00:59.750
Ruby Mehta: and the best top keynote speaker in 2024, with the Disney Institute as his launch pad. Simon has left an incredible mark on over 2,400 organizations across 54 countries, working with the likes of American Express, Deloitte, Marriott, Visa, Stanford, Healthcare, and Taco Bell.
00:01:00.000 –> 00:01:29.509
Ruby Mehta: through his books, speeches, and coaching. Simon captivates the lives of countless individuals around the globe, inspiring them to lead. Better, stay curious and embrace a growth mindset. Today we are thrilled to have Simon share his insights and strategies for helping you propel towards a brilliant future. Prepare to be empowered as we dive into Simon’s wealth of knowledge and experience. So, let’s get started. Welcome, Simon. How are you.
00:01:29.510 –> 00:01:37.446
Simon T Bailey: I’m great Ruby. I wanna meet the guy I want. I want to meet the person who paid the guy off to say all those nice things.
00:01:41.000 –> 00:01:42.080
Simon T Bailey: Hmm.
00:01:42.080 –> 00:02:10.650
Ruby Mehta: That’s awesome. I know our audience is very interested in learning from you. And so, I would really want to just dive into the topic. And our topic today is how purpose can reduce turnover in home care, because we all know in home care that’s important for the care staff or caregivers to have the right purpose just to stay connected with their jobs.
00:02:11.080 –> 00:02:14.290
Ruby Mehta: So my question to you is.
00:02:14.300 –> 00:02:23.159
Ruby Mehta: how can instilling a deeper sense of purpose. Help addresses the challenges of this high turnover among caregivers.
00:02:23.420 –> 00:02:47.829
Simon T Bailey: I think purpose can be used as a strategic retention tool, because once an individual understands the purpose of the organization, they can quickly ascertain and decide if the purpose of the organization aligns with their personal purpose. And if it does, then what it really says to that individual is that this organization puts purpose before profit.
00:02:48.010 –> 00:03:06.579
Simon T Bailey: it puts people before profit, and in the end the customer, the patient, the guest, the resident, is the benefactor of this well-rounded purpose that lives in the head, the hearts, and the hands of those that are closest to those they serve.
00:03:07.570 –> 00:03:10.269
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, no, I agree. 100%.
00:03:11.050 –> 00:03:22.549
Ruby Mehta: What do you recommend? What strategies do you recommend, Simon, for helping caregivers discover or rediscover the deeper meaning and purpose behind their roles.
00:03:22.550 –> 00:03:39.250
Simon T Bailey: I think, number one to really begin to unpack the stories and testimonies of those that they serve. What is the feedback that people are sharing as to their experience. Number 2, when you are looking to attract and certainly activate talent
00:03:39.250 –> 00:04:07.039
Simon T Bailey: in the organization. To give this caring experience, connect those stories and testimonies to them. The moment people here, once upon a time, all of a sudden, they raise an eyebrow, they lean in. Tell me more, because that’s the impact of caregiving that they have every single day, and then number 3 find a way early and often to communicate it visually
00:04:07.270 –> 00:04:31.049
Simon T Bailey: from an auditory standpoint and word of mouth. So every shift talks about what’s the story? What’s the testimonies? What’s the feedback of how we are taking the caregiving experience to the next level. Ritz-Carlton, as you know, is known for amazing service. And one of the things that they do, they share their basics. There’s about 12 basics.
00:04:31.050 –> 00:04:44.319
Simon T Bailey: basic tenets that they share every shift all around the world, every hotel. So now people begin to understand, how do I become a part of the story to create that experience that is second to none.
00:04:45.100 –> 00:05:08.849
Ruby Mehta: No, that’s really great. Many times, the owners. The management is really bogged down into the Roi and day-to-day operations, and they forget the value and the purpose why they created this business. And more, they instill this into their work environment. I think everyone
00:05:09.230 –> 00:05:11.059
Ruby Mehta: would like to be part of that.
00:05:11.060 –> 00:05:12.160
Simon T Bailey: Absolutely.
00:05:12.160 –> 00:05:14.176
Ruby Mehta: So true, so true.
00:05:14.810 –> 00:05:39.640
Ruby Mehta: how can agency owners? Actually, they make sure, or they help their teams to stay focused on that higher purpose of the work, because we all know the team, the staff. They all get bogged down to those day-to-day activities, and there is so much admin work that they do. They tend to forget.
00:05:40.990 –> 00:05:41.530
Simon T Bailey: I think
00:05:41.530 –> 00:05:52.410
Simon T Bailey: the 1st thing agency owners can think about is sharing their personal purpose to your point just a moment ago, because sharing their personal purpose humanizes them.
00:05:52.410 –> 00:06:18.739
Simon T Bailey: allows caregivers to kind of hear their backstory, and also they are sharing vulnerable moments of when they were perhaps about to give up or looking for another option, and sometimes you may hear. That’s too much information. No, that’s the right information to let people know that you know what I want to join this agency owner in carrying the mission and the purpose forward.
00:06:20.290 –> 00:06:21.899
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, so
00:06:22.020 –> 00:06:32.939
Ruby Mehta: definitely connecting at that level, that personal story that needs to be reiterated with to the teams. For sure. I I agree? 100
00:06:34.640 –> 00:06:40.540
Ruby Mehta: and then, you know, cultivating a stronger sense of purpose.
00:06:41.930 –> 00:06:54.039
Ruby Mehta: But then, how can the owners or the management cultivate that strong sense of purpose and meaning that help caregivers build that resilience.
00:06:54.560 –> 00:07:13.450
Simon T Bailey: I think, number one creating circles of purpose where ongoing the caregivers can share their story, they can share what they are dealing with, what they are learning how they are growing. I think number 2 finding ways to recognize and appreciate the great work that individuals do.
0:07:13.450 –> 00:07:29.949
Simon T Bailey: Here’s a mental post it note what gets recognized gets repeated. 1 min of recognition creates 100 min of initiative. So in this circle of purpose, as people are teeing up, hey, here’s what drives me.
00:07:29.990 –> 00:07:41.130
Simon T Bailey: and to be recognized and appreciated goes a long way. But I think the 3rd thing is taking time to maybe have even caregivers lead the discussion.
00:07:41.130 –> 00:08:10.089
Simon T Bailey: they can say, Hey, I want to start the discussion as to relates to how do we overcome? How do we celebrate? How do we do this better, and giving them that opportunity to take the lead in conversations as it relates to purpose, builds their self efficacy, their confidence, and their belief that they are making a difference. So I believe all of those things really contribute to creating this culture of outstanding, caregiving.
00:08:10.690 –> 00:08:37.400
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, absolutely. And I also believe that purpose can also be used as a tool for teams to inspire and empower their caregiving staff and their office staff to reach their optimal, you know, level of efficiency. What do you? What do you have to say about that?
00:08:37.400 –> 00:09:07.210
Simon T Bailey: I think, as people are sharing their purpose driven story, it becomes like a meme where it catches on like a common cold. It passes from person to person in the most positive way of their story, and it inspires the word inspire. If you went to dictionary.com means to breathe life into. So when you’re listening to another person’s story, it breathes life into you that gives you hope to keep pushing forward and to keep adding value.
00:09:08.110 –> 00:09:31.820
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, great. Do you have any examples, Simon? And if not, it’s fine. Just so people can relate to it. And they can understand a little bit more how important it is to have that purpose, that installation of purpose in their caregiving staff. Do you have any examples that you can think of.
00:09:32.120 –> 00:09:58.340
Simon T Bailey: I was working with a healthcare organization that wanted to improve their press, gaining scores, which is like Jd. Power and one of the things they quickly identified is when they shifted into the storytelling or the purpose sharing what it did for the patient. Satisfaction scores. Not only did they increase, but for the 1st time individuals felt, seen.
00:09:58.340 –> 00:10:04.499
Simon T Bailey: valued, and understood, all because they begin to share what they were learning.
00:10:04.500 –> 00:10:30.389
Simon T Bailey: but they could also hear from others, and it created this belonging where everyone knew that it was a part of. They were a part of a greater mission, so they were not on an island by themselves, and as the patient satisfaction scores increased, the hospital was able to be recognized for best in class, because they took the time to hear from individuals that were closest to the action.
00:10:31.270 –> 00:10:34.895
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, no, that’s so great.
00:10:35.520 –> 00:10:56.850
Ruby Mehta: that’s the main problem. I think the staff that work in a silo, and they have their own goals. They have their own personal lives going on, and they’re trying to achieve something. But yeah, sharing purpose and sharing their stories. It
00:10:57.370 –> 00:11:06.499
Ruby Mehta: that creates that one goal, one mission, and they’re all working towards that one thing which is beautiful.
00:11:07.870 –> 00:11:23.520
Ruby Mehta: Well, thank you, Simon, for this. I hope our audience had a great time listening to your insights, and we will see you next time, everyone. Goodbye and thank you. Simon, again.
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