Deep dive into a powerful strategy, the strengths-based approach to empower home care teams, in the words of Devin Bevis, marketing director at Caring Senior Service. Know why hiring for the right strengths is crucial and the strategies to identify these strengths during the interview process when selecting and hiring caregivers. Also, learn how to combat caregiver burnout — a very real concern in home care — through this approach.
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00:00:06.760 –> 00:00:33.569
Ruby Mehta: Welcome to CareSmartz360 On Air, a home care Podcast. My name is Ruby, and I’m VP sales at Caresmartz. In this ever demanding word of home car, building strong and supportive teams is crucial. Here at Caresmartz, we recognize the challenges you face, and today we are diving into a powerful strategy, the strength based approach. Instead of dwelling on weaknesses, they met. This method focuses on each team member’s unique skills and talents.
00:00:33.590 –> 00:00:38.440
Ruby Mehta: By identifying these trends. We can create a team where everyone thrives.
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Ruby Mehta: This fosters a positive collaborative environment where caregivers feel valued and empowered.
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Ruby Mehta: They’re encouraged to contribute their best selves leading to better communication problem solving and ultimately happier clients.
00:00:53.940 –> 00:01:04.389
Ruby Mehta: The strength-based approach doesn’t ignore development areas, but it prioritizes building on existing strengths to create a team that’s more than the sum of its paths.
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Ruby Mehta: Stay tuned as we explore practical tips and success stories on how this approach can transform your home care team into a force for exceptional client care.
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Ruby Mehta: Today we have Devin Bevis on the panel, the director of marketing at Caring Senior Service.
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Ruby Mehta: Devin specializes in intelligence, relationship, management, business, coaching, marketing, and client success, and is adept at cultivating high performing teams and instilling a strength focused culture.
00:01:34.990 –> 00:01:37.850
Ruby Mehta: Welcome to the podcast, Devin. How are you?
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Devin C. Bevis: Ruby. Thanks for having me here.
00:01:40.990 –> 00:01:45.730
Ruby Mehta: Thank you. So it’s your favorite topic. I know. Strength based. Approach.
00:01:46.339 –> 00:01:53.930
Ruby Mehta: Why, we wanna learn a lot from you, Devin. Today. I will start with. The hot topic
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Ruby Mehta: hiring
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Ruby Mehta: hiring for the right strength is crucial.
00:02:00.250 –> 00:02:03.539
Ruby Mehta: Can you share some strategies for our audience
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Ruby Mehta: for identifying those trends during the interview process for home care professionals.
00:02:10.690 –> 00:02:14.609
Devin C. Bevis: Absolutely. Yeah. I mean when it when it comes to
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Devin C. Bevis: hiring and selection, you know, the first thing I would suggest is to take inventory of the
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Devin C. Bevis: diversity of talents that you already have on your team
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Devin C. Bevis: and then identify the biggest areas of need from there. So.
00:02:30.850 –> 00:02:57.749
Devin C. Bevis: for instance, like. Let’s say you have Susie on your team who does phenomenal work. She’s just great at her job, right? And a lot of times it’s just common for leaders and managers to say, I just need to hire another Susie. I need more. Susie’s right when in fact, maybe what’s really needed is someone who compliments Susie’s talents, and brings certain talents to the team that Susie doesn’t necessarily bring.
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Devin C. Bevis: So
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Devin C. Bevis: I would say, after you’ve assessed the talent landscape of your current team. I would then dig deep during the interview process and make sure you’re asking the most meaningful questions that focus on what someone really enjoys doing. You know what, what energizes them the most, what motivates them the most?
00:03:20.910 –> 00:03:31.270
Devin C. Bevis: It’s good to ask those types of questions in as many different ways that you can really think of in order to get a better idea of what makes them unique beyond just their technical skills.
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Devin C. Bevis: Another thing to consider is using scientifically validated research, based assessments that can help uncover strengths that might not come out in a traditional interview. The intel
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Devin C. Bevis: that you can gain from those types of assessments can oftentimes spark good questions to dive even deeper into with a candidate.
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Devin C. Bevis: And lastly, I would say, too, to just listen closely, you know, pay really close attention to how they talk about their experiences, how they respond to each question, you know, do they? Do they light up when talking about certain topics or certain aspects of the job, be on the lookout for those kinds of queues.
00:04:16.839 –> 00:04:39.749
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, that’s that’s really interesting, and that your example is really true. We always think that if we have a high performing individual in the team. We might want similar high performing individuals in the team to, to effectively, you know, to increase operational effectiveness. But the reality is that when we are looking for talent.
00:04:40.119 –> 00:04:44.579
Ruby Mehta: all of them team members should complement each other’s friends.
00:04:44.669 –> 00:04:50.884
Ruby Mehta: So that’s really important. And you really touched on a great great topic here.
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Ruby Mehta: And
00:04:52.849 –> 00:05:13.069
Ruby Mehta: Sometimes team members might have strengths that don’t seem readily applicable in home care, because when we are hiring we’re hiring from different industries to not just home care to homecare. How can we effectively utilize those strengths within the team? Dynamic.
00:05:14.850 –> 00:05:17.099
Devin C. Bevis: Yeah, that’s a great question.
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Devin C. Bevis: And I would take a step back and look at the big picture first there. So just because someone’s strength
00:05:26.050 –> 00:05:34.240
Devin C. Bevis: on the surface might not seem directly related to home care doesn’t mean it can’t be useful in other ways. When you dig a little bit deeper. So
00:05:34.847 –> 00:05:51.949
Devin C. Bevis: You know, it’s about being open minded and thinking. Outside the box. Every team member brings something unique to the table right? And it’s about recognizing those diverse talents within the team and finding creative ways to leverage them.
00:05:52.511 –> 00:06:00.218
Devin C. Bevis: Encouraging collaboration and allowing team members to contribute in in areas where they shine, not only
00:06:01.188 –> 00:06:07.459
Devin C. Bevis: maximizes their potential, but it also enriches the overall dynamic of the team.
00:06:07.660 –> 00:06:36.970
Devin C. Bevis: So you know, one thing that comes to my mind is 1 one strength based. Principle is the belief that there’s really no such thing as someone having too much talent. However, talents can be misused. So it’s our job as coaches and leaders to help our team members become more self aware of their own talents and put them in positions where they can productively apply those talents as much as possible, day in and day out.
00:06:37.790 –> 00:06:41.470
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, a hundred percent. I agree. That’s true.
00:06:42.230 –> 00:06:47.900
Ruby Mehta: And in this industry burnout is a real concern.
00:06:49.100 –> 00:06:56.280
Ruby Mehta: How can a strength based approach help, build resilience and combat, deal burnout within the team.
00:06:58.130 –> 00:07:19.680
Devin C. Bevis: Yeah, for sure, burnout is definitely a serious issue, right? Especially in home care, where the work can be really demanding. And that’s really where a strength based approach can shine and make a huge difference. I mean, when we focus on what people are naturally good at.
00:07:19.830 –> 00:07:22.440
Devin C. Bevis: and what they truly enjoy doing.
00:07:22.540 –> 00:07:32.029
Devin C. Bevis: It’s like giving them a boost of energy. It’s kind of like finding that sweet spot where work feels more like clay.
00:07:32.726 –> 00:07:43.810
Devin C. Bevis: When team members are able to spend more time doing what they’re good at and what they love, it not only makes them happier, but it also makes them more resilient.
00:07:43.970 –> 00:08:04.841
Devin C. Bevis: So if you think about it, I mean, if you’re constantly doing tasks that drain you or make you feel stressed out. It’s easy to burn out pretty quick right? But when you’re able to tap into your strengths, and you feel like you’re making a real difference. It’s like you have this extra reserve of energy to draw from almost I mean
00:08:05.698 –> 00:08:16.709
Devin C. Bevis: plus. When team members feel valued for their strengths and supported within their roles, it creates this sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.
00:08:16.780 –> 00:08:19.169
Devin C. Bevis: and people are more likely to
00:08:19.727 –> 00:08:33.240
Devin C. Bevis: support each other. Pitch in when they’re needed, which can definitely help, you know. Lighten the load and prevent burnout overall. So so yeah, the strength based approach isn’t just about
00:08:33.340 –> 00:08:43.720
Devin C. Bevis: helping people do their jobs better. It’s about creating a work environment where people can thrive and feel fulfilled even in the you know E, even when they face challenges.
00:08:44.550 –> 00:08:48.780
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, absolutely. Devin, from your experience.
00:08:48.890 –> 00:08:54.559
Ruby Mehta: Do you do you recommend, or are there any exercises, or
00:08:54.700 –> 00:09:12.539
Ruby Mehta: Anything that people can do in homecare to really help their team members achieve that success and excellence and reduce that burnout. What are they? Some examples or some exercises that homecare teams can do.
00:09:15.130 –> 00:09:15.810
Devin C. Bevis: Sure.
00:09:17.060 –> 00:09:18.297
Devin C. Bevis: yeah, I mean.
00:09:19.060 –> 00:09:23.949
Devin C. Bevis: I think communication is is is probably
00:09:23.960 –> 00:09:27.000
Devin C. Bevis: some of the that’s one of the most underused
00:09:30.010 –> 00:09:44.650
Devin C. Bevis: things that folks are taking a look at now, so just making sure that you’re staying in touch and communicating on a regular basis. I mean, there’s data that Gallup has. That proves that leaders and coaches who have at least
00:09:44.940 –> 00:09:50.669
Devin C. Bevis: one conversation, one meaningful conversation a week with their team members
00:09:50.830 –> 00:10:08.630
Devin C. Bevis: improves engagement. Lessens the risk of burnout all these really powerful things. And it doesn’t have to be a, you know, an hour long conversation it could be anywhere from 5 min, you know, but but making sure it’s it’s meaningful, too, you know. I mean, that’s
00:10:09.163 –> 00:10:22.210
Devin C. Bevis: That’s one of the biggest things I think that you could start doing right away, just looking at the way you’re communicating right now with your team. And what does that mean? What does that look like, are are you
00:10:23.305 –> 00:10:24.350
Devin C. Bevis: really
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Devin C. Bevis: putting meaningful time into those conversations.
00:10:29.170 –> 00:10:31.383
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, no, that’s a great point.
00:10:33.010 –> 00:10:42.302
Ruby Mehta: I was studying something, I think, last week, and I saw most people. I think it was a Linkedin post or something.
00:10:42.710 –> 00:10:44.349
Ruby Mehta: Most people
00:10:44.550 –> 00:10:53.100
Ruby Mehta: burn out, or at that risk of burnout, because they feel like no one is hearing them out
00:10:53.955 –> 00:11:04.669
Ruby Mehta: So communication or having good communication with your team is definitely an essential part that people don’t realize the value of communication enough.
00:11:04.800 –> 00:11:15.719
Ruby Mehta: People think that having one on ones when it really comes to. When people complain or when people haven’t, they have an issue. That’s when communication works. But
00:11:15.750 –> 00:11:17.579
Ruby Mehta: on a regular basis
00:11:18.100 –> 00:11:28.090
Ruby Mehta: team members or people have so much to talk about and just hearing them out sometimes really helps release some of the attention.
00:11:28.580 –> 00:11:31.569
Devin C. Bevis: Oh, absolutely. And especially when you think about it in
00:11:31.790 –> 00:11:34.579
Devin C. Bevis: the context of home care. Right? I mean.
00:11:36.200 –> 00:11:43.080
Devin C. Bevis: caregivers tend to. I mean, kind of live on an island because they don’t. They don’t get to see
00:11:43.530 –> 00:11:52.499
Devin C. Bevis: the team in the office that that much so so the more that you can communicate with them. Keep them engaged.
00:11:52.936 –> 00:11:56.400
Devin C. Bevis: The more it’s, it’s just gonna help that relationship overall.
00:11:56.900 –> 00:12:05.142
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And some agencies. I have heard they do interesting things. In terms of
00:12:05.750 –> 00:12:16.670
Ruby Mehta: surveys. And basically giving an opportunity, if not really face to face, but some sort of opportunity for them to communicate.
00:12:17.377 –> 00:12:30.329
Ruby Mehta: Technology plays a big role these days. So you have easy communication using some tools. So that’s something that our home care agencies should really leverage. I believe.
00:12:31.090 –> 00:12:54.780
Devin C. Bevis: Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, and that’s another great point. I mean, look at all of the ways that you’re communicating doesn’t have to just be a you know, a conversation like this or face to face. You know I know we’re in an age where we’re texting all the time. So, you know, be mindful of every single opportunity you have when you’re communicating with the team member.
00:12:54.810 –> 00:13:03.159
Devin C. Bevis: because there’s definite ways to to leverage that, and make the most of those opportunities.
00:13:03.740 –> 00:13:06.520
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, I agree 100%.
00:13:08.060 –> 00:13:15.889
Ruby Mehta: Another question. I had Devin. Let’s say a team member excels in one area but struggles in another.
00:13:16.448 –> 00:13:27.459
Ruby Mehta: How can the strength based approach be used to address those development areas? And without really undermining the confidence of that team member.
00:13:29.810 –> 00:13:34.286
Devin C. Bevis: Yeah. Yeah, that’s kind of a common scenario, isn’t it?
00:13:35.248 –> 00:13:43.781
Devin C. Bevis: I mean, we. We all have our strengths, and we all have our blind spots or areas where we might not be as strong. Right?
00:13:44.620 –> 00:13:54.459
Devin C. Bevis: But that’s where that’s where a strength based approach really shines as well. So let’s say you’ve got a team member who is just crushing it in one aspect of their role.
00:13:54.530 –> 00:14:04.629
Devin C. Bevis: but maybe struggling a little bit in another, you know, instead of just focusing on their weaknesses, and that that area that they’re struggling in.
00:14:04.780 –> 00:14:16.120
Devin C. Bevis: we as strengths based folks, we flip the script and we 0 in on their strengths. And we start by acknowledging and celebrating what they’re already great at.
00:14:16.603 –> 00:14:22.166
Devin C. Bevis: So meaningful recognition plays a huge role in this.
00:14:22.750 –> 00:14:34.779
Devin C. Bevis: then we look at how we can leverage those strengths to help them improve in the areas where they’re not as strong. So you’re you’re basically helping someone mitigate their weaknesses through the use of
00:14:34.920 –> 00:14:36.320
Devin C. Bevis: of their strengths.
00:14:36.832 –> 00:14:41.777
Devin C. Bevis: So you’re not completely ignoring those weaknesses. You’re acknowledging them. And
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Devin C. Bevis: And it’s just. It’s a very powerful way to go about it. When you keep the focus on strengths, you know. I mean, let’s say.
00:14:52.020 –> 00:15:00.009
Devin C. Bevis: just as an example. Let’s say someone’s a real people person and excels at building relationships with other folks. But
00:15:00.020 –> 00:15:02.280
Devin C. Bevis: but maybe they’re not
00:15:02.840 –> 00:15:21.910
Devin C. Bevis: the most organized when it comes to paperwork or documentation or stuff like that. So instead of just focusing on them, getting better at the paperwork, you know, we might suggest ways. They can use their interpersonal skills to streamline communication or collaborate with someone on the team who is stronger in that area.
00:15:21.960 –> 00:15:31.720
Devin C. Bevis: Right? So the key here is to approach it as a team effort. So we’re not saying, Hey, you need to fix this. Instead, we’re saying.
00:15:31.810 –> 00:15:43.760
Devin C. Bevis: Let’s figure out how we can work together to support you and help you grow. It’s all about building confidence and empowering team members to reach their full potential really well.
00:15:43.920 –> 00:15:49.550
Devin C. Bevis: while also creating a culture where team members seek out differences between one another and embrace them.
00:15:50.900 –> 00:16:07.120
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, that’s so true. Considering home care. The teams are really tight. They work together. If you compare it with any other industry. It’s different. And they have. They have unique challenges, too.
00:16:07.658 –> 00:16:26.509
Ruby Mehta: So I’m coming to my next question with that. How do you feel that strength based approach works really well in home care, especially with home care teams. How does it benefit them? Considering the unique challenges they face.
00:16:28.900 –> 00:16:36.130
Devin C. Bevis: Sure. Yeah. So you know, when we when we talk about a strength based culture in homecare team, specifically, I mean, we’re
00:16:36.150 –> 00:16:41.030
Devin C. Bevis: we’re really talking about creating an environment where team members truly feel valued
00:16:41.040 –> 00:16:44.790
Devin C. Bevis: and empowered to bring their best to the table every day.
00:16:44.840 –> 00:16:58.481
Devin C. Bevis: And that’s what really makes all, all the difference here. So when folks are engaged like that, we tend to see fewer safety incidents, which is a big deal in our line of work right?
00:16:59.040 –> 00:17:12.739
Devin C. Bevis: retention goes up and team members stick around longer, which not only saves us time and money, but also means we’re looking or we’re we’re we’re working with a more experienced team who are passionate about what they do.
00:17:13.849 –> 00:17:24.929
Devin C. Bevis: it also impacts re recruitment. You know. I mean, it’s a lot easier to attract top notch talent when people feel and hear about positive vibes. You’ve got going on right
00:17:25.385 –> 00:17:34.769
Devin C. Bevis: and that’s because they wanna be part of a team where they feel supported and appreciated. So that talent ends up attracting more talent.
00:17:35.583 –> 00:17:47.860
Devin C. Bevis: There’s also a positive impact to the level of service that’s being delivered to clients. So you’ll end up seeing higher net promoter scores stronger client satisfaction rates
00:17:48.580 –> 00:17:57.849
Devin C. Bevis: productivity goes up with this approach. So when teams are strengths focused and engaged, they’re able to get more done in less time.
00:17:58.620 –> 00:18:05.719
Devin C. Bevis: And all of this ultimately kind of leads to the bottom line. We’re higher with higher profitability as well. So
00:18:06.196 –> 00:18:27.369
Devin C. Bevis: So yeah, I mean, it’s a win win all around. You’re able to build a successful business by investing in the goodness of your team and Gallup, A actually has the data to support all this, too. It shows. On average, you know, strengths based teams achieve 29% higher profit, 19% increase in sales
00:18:27.370 –> 00:18:40.750
Devin C. Bevis: 59%, fewer safety incidents and 72% lower turnover. So regardless of your industry or the size of your organization. I mean, there’s untapped potential, really, in every company there.
00:18:41.640 –> 00:19:02.620
Ruby Mehta: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Alright, Devin, what’s your final piece of advice for home care teams? Who are currently maybe not leveraging a strength based approach. How would you coach them? I know it’s a vast big question that I’ve asked. But
00:19:02.700 –> 00:19:10.339
Ruby Mehta: if someone wants to implement something from this podcast what would be your final piece of advice.
00:19:11.060 –> 00:19:24.769
Devin C. Bevis: Yeah, I think I mean that the best first step to take is to just start learning more about strength based approaches. So you know, Gallup is is really where strengths based
00:19:24.950 –> 00:19:26.540
Devin C. Bevis: approaches
00:19:26.600 –> 00:19:34.490
Devin C. Bevis: derives from. So I would definitely check out Gallup’s website. And they’ve got strength based coaches everywhere. So
00:19:34.894 –> 00:19:48.519
Devin C. Bevis: you’d be able to maybe connect with a coach that’s in your area and start working with them more one on one, because you know those strengths based coaches love to take the time to. Really.
00:19:48.570 –> 00:19:50.469
Devin C. Bevis: you know, dig into
00:19:51.264 –> 00:19:57.140
Devin C. Bevis: what they can. They can help you and your business with. So that would be the best first step.
00:19:58.620 –> 00:20:01.482
Ruby Mehta: Well, thank you so much. Devin.
00:20:02.220 –> 00:20:15.690
Ruby Mehta: That’s very insightful. Thank you again for sharing these great insights. I’m sure the audience got deep insights about how the strength based approach helps build strong oncare teams.
00:20:15.920 –> 00:20:23.790
Ruby Mehta: And to you, my wonderful audience, thanks for tuning in until the next episode. This is Ruby Mehta from Caresmartz.
00:20:23.910 –> 00:20:24.840
Ruby Mehta: Thank you.
00:20:25.460 –> 00:20:26.300
Devin C. Bevis: Thanks a lot.
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