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29 December 2023

New Features and Updates

Enhancements to Caregiver Mobile App, Caregiver Portal, & EVV Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

There will be an update to the Caregiver Mobile App with this release via stores with version 2.38 with code push version 1.0 & It will be a mandatory release for all users and Agency Mobile App iOS & Android: Version 2.6 (No update to the Agency app with this release)

The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.**

Payroll Based Journal (PBJ) report access to Clients

Agency users can now grant their clients access to the PBJ report, a schedule log that allows clients to review their schedules within a specified date range. This comprehensive report includes details such as Schedule Start/End Date, Bill units, Bill Rate, Service Type, Caregiver name, and Payroll File number.

To activate this feature for clients, navigate to Office Settings > Main, where a new option has been introduced: “Do you want to show PBJ report to the client?”. Once this option is selected, agency users can choose to share the PBJ report with Clients, Contacts, and Payers. For instance, if Clients and Contacts are selected, the report will be accessible to both entities collectively.

Payroll Based Journal Report Update

Payroll Based Journal Report Updates

Clients with enabled access on the Client Portal will find a new menu option labeled “Reports.” Through this menu, clients can seamlessly access and review the PBJ report, gaining insights into their schedules and related details.

It’s important to note that this option will be disabled by default for all agencies.

CareSmartz360 Payroll Based Journal Report Update

CareSmartz360 Payroll Report Update

Ability to search a Caregiver while adding rates in Client Profile

Users within the agency can now conveniently search for a Caregiver when adding Caregiver specific rates in the Client Profile. When adding/editing the Caregiver Bill Rate or Caregiver Pay Rate, the Caregiver dropdown menu is equipped with a search function. This enhancement simplifies the process, making it more efficient to locate a particular caregiver without the need for extensive scrolling.

CareSmartz360 Client Portal Updates

Client Portal Updates in CareSmartz360 Software

Hyphen in Client Name

System will now allow use of hyphens along with letters, numbers & underscore as the special character in the client name field.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Client Portal Updates

Payroll – New UI

On the Generate Payroll screen, Highlight options will be available so that users will have the option to highlight records in case of any of the below options

  • Partially Invoiced
  • Payroll Generated
  • Overtime
  • Holiday

CareSmartz360 Home Care Payroll Software

Along with the option to add highlights, users will also have the option to view Total Hours along with its bifurcation next to Actual Pay amount in the following columns

  • Total Pay Units
  • Regular amount
  • OT Amount

CareSmartz360 Home Care Payroll Software Update

Adhoc Schedules – Show Authorized Hour Count & Remaining hours On Caregiver Portal

While creating an adhoc schedule from the caregiver portal, caregivers will be able to see the Authorized hours and remaining hours after service type selection so that they are aware in case they exceed the authorized hours when creating the adhoc schedule.

Showcasing the Authorization hours will be managed from Role management for Caregiver app permissions if the agency wishes to show the same to the caregivers or not.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Adhoc Scheduling Software

CareSmartz360 Home Care Adhoc Scheduling Software Update

DMAS-97 A/B Form

CareSmartz360 has the option for the users of the Virginia state to use the DMAS-97 A/B form to report the weekly completed tasks and the weekly total hours on schedule for a particular client.

Agency users must enable this function from the Office settings. Enabling this setting will turn off the Weekly Care summary report.

CareSmartz360 Software Weekly Care summary report Update

When setting up and configuring the service types, the agency user will need to indicate the TYPE as mentioned in the screenshot below:

CareSmartz360 Software Weekly Care summary report

Agency users can see a report for the full week by navigating to Scheduling>DMAS:

CareSmartz360 Home Care Software DMAS report Update

From the report page, you need to select the DMAS-97 A/B from the dropdown as mentioned in the screenshot below:

CareSmartz360 Home Care Software DMAS reports Update

Once you select the report name from the dropdown a new screen for generating the DMAS-97 A/B report will be opening. This will require the selection of the filters for the Office Name,Status of the Client, and Client Name with the Weekly Date range as mentioned in the attachment below:

CareSmartz360 DMAS reports Software Update

Once you have selected the required filters to view the report, you can go and hit the search button. This will generate the report as displayed in the below attachment:

Updates in CareSmartz360 DMAS reports Software

There is pagination available in the report if multiple caregivers have worked for the client. Pagination is available below the search button. In the report, there is a total daily time added as per the clock-in/out difference for the schedule(s) that occurred on that day. Also, in the signature field, there is the availability of the Caregiver name to distinguish between multiple reports generated (In case multiple caregivers worked for that client in a week).

At the bottom of the report there is the availability of the “Export” (for the current page export) and “Export All” functionality through which you can export the report into an editable pdf as per the requirement. Same is mentioned in the attachment below:

Update in CareSmartz360 DMAS reports Software

Once exported all the data as available on the visit will be added to an editable PDF file which user can edit later for adding more information.

Show Total Hours & Units on Create Invoice & View Invoices Screen

Users will now be able to see the Total hours & Total Units On create Invoice & View finalized Invoices.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Software Invoice Updates

CareSmartz360 HomeCare Software Invoice Updates

Showing Holiday Creation Date under Holiday’s Tab

User will have the option to see the holiday creation date in the list of holiday’s present in the system so that they can see when the holiday was created.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Software Holiday Tab Updates

Handling Multiple time zones in the system

With this release, we will start making our system compatible with handling multiple time zones.

To start with we will be covering the following modules in this release.

  • Add Schedule
  • While adding a schedule, agency’s timezone will be shown next to client’s Name.
  • User(s) will know that the schedule is being created in agency’s timezone.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Scheduling Software Updates

  • Edit Schedule
  • While editing the schedule, banner will be shown across each tab on the schedule window showing agency’s timezone so that the user is aware of the timezone the schedule is being edited.
  • Also, please note that abbreviated timezone will be shown next to schedule date/time, say for example – 12/27/2024 09:15AM EST in Care History, manual Clock-in / manual clock-out , pre-screening & recurrence tabs.
  • The remaining tabs in the schedule window will have a banner displaying the agency’s time zone.

CareSmartz360 Home Care Scheduling Time Software Updates

CareSmartz360 HomeCare Scheduling Timezone Software Updates

CareSmartz360 Home Care Scheduling Timezone Software Updates

CareSmartz360 HomeCare Scheduling Software Update

  • Email Templates
  • All the Email templates will have the time zone abbreviations next to schedule date/time based on the agency time zone. For example – 12/27/2024 09:15AM EST
  • SMS Templates
  • All SMS templates will have the time zone abbreviations next to schedule date/time based on agency time zone. For example – 12/27/2024 09:15AM EST
  • The Alerts & Conflicts on schedule window will also be on agency time zone.

Caregiver Mobile App

All caregivers will see schedules reflected in their device’s time zone irrespective of which time zone the schedule is created.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver App Update

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Mobile App Update

EVV Updates

Sandata Updates – Wisconsin

New services applicable from Jan 1, 2024 in the state of Wisconsin

CareSmartz360 Electronic Visit Verification Software Updates

At the time of client posting, that only following special characters will be allowed , any other than these will be rejected from Sandata.

CareSmartz360 Electronic Visit Verification Software Update

Procedure codes with the respective program ID and Payer ID are added to the system in the state of Wisconsin as per the document link –

Sandata update in the state of California & Missouri for the Adjusted Call in / call out timings

For all agency providers, if calls were captured correctly during the visit, i.e the clock -in / Clock-out happens as per EVV compliance in that case AdjInDateTime & AdjOutDateTime should be null in the JSON Files. However, if calls were captured during the visit, but the caregiver logged in late and logged out early, i.e if the clock-in or clock-out happened late or early or vice versa then AdjInDateTime & AdjOutDateTime should consist of the value of Actual In & Out times.

Sandata – No Show Exception updates in the state of Hawaii, North Carolina, Colorado, Arizona

This exception occurs when a visit has been scheduled, but no calls have been received for that visit. i.e.

  • When clock-in / clock-out are done manually or
  • The schedule is getting clock-in/clock-out Automatic from the system as per the Allow Automatic clock-in /clock-out setting or
  • In case there is a visit that is direct approved from agency user.

In case of any of the above use case, ” No Show Exception” will be applicable on the schedule & user will have to add reason codes under Exceptions tab in order to clear the exception.

Sandata Integration in the state of Nevada

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Sandata in state of Nevada for sending EVV data. We are still in testing phase with our provider agency currently to get certified. Affected agencies can contact CareSmartz360 directly for further details on integration and testing.

Authenticare Updates

Agency users will have the ability to get the reposting enabled from Development team in case the Visits needs to be reposted with new Claim ID in case of rejections from Authenticare’s end. Please contact the Support team should you require the ability to repost visits.

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