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31 January 2024

New Features and Updates

Latest Release Brings Caregiver Applicant Form Enhancements, New EDI & EVV Integration Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

There will be no update to the Caregiver mobile app with this release. Version 2.38 with code push version 1.0 will be applicable and Agency Mobile App iOS & Android will be released with Version 2.7.

The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Handling Multiple time zones in the system

Time-Tracking Views

For each of the following time tracking views, the client’s timezone will be incorporated next to the scheduled start date/time & Actual date/time.

  • Schedule Review
  • Approved
  • Cancelled
  • Finalized
  • Meetings
  • Missed Visits
  • Missing clock-in
  • Missing Clock-out
  • Open Shifts
  • Telephony Details

    a) In the case where the client is assigned, the Client’s timezone will be shown next to the date time

    b) In case where client is not assigned & call happens, the Office timezone will be shown till the time client is not assigned. Once the client is assigned, Client timezone should populate next to the call time

  • Unidentified calls
  • Adhoc View

Time Tracking update in CareSmartz360

Client Profile > Calendar View

1. The Calendar view now includes the client’s time zone directly on the card, positioned adjacent to the scheduled time. This information is visible across Day, Week, and Month views.

CareSmartz360 Client Profile Update

2. Within the Bulk edit window, the time zone is now displayed alongside the Start Time and End Time for each schedule. Furthermore, the Start Time and End Time fields below the schedule table also reflect the Client’s time zone. Conflicts are also presented in the Client’s time zone.

CareSmartz360 Client Profile Update for Agency Users

In the Print Calendar PDF view and file download, the Client’s time zone is now included next to the schedule’s Start and End Time. The updated PDF with this information will be attached to emails sent from the calendar page.

CareSmartz360 Client Profile Updates

Caregiver Profile > Calendar View

Agency users can now view the Caregiver’s Calendar in the Client’s time zone through the following enhancements:

1. The Caregiver’s schedules in the Calendar view will now be displayed in the Client’s time zone. This information is included on the schedule card itself, placed next to the scheduled time. The changes will be visible in Day, Week, and Month views.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Profile Update

2. In the Calendar view, the meeting card will indicate the Office’s time zone. This adjustment is made because the office is responsible for planning the meetings.

3. On the Bulk edit window, the time zone is added next to the Start Time and End Time of each Client’s schedule. Also, below the schedule table, the Start Time and End Time fields will show the Office’s time zone (as there is no Caregiver time zone). All the conflicts will also be in the Client’s time zone.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Profile Update for Agency User

4. On the Print calendar PDF view and file download, the Client’s time zone is added next to the scheduled Start and End Time. The same updated PDF will be attached to the email sent from the calendar page.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Profile Updates for Agency User

Staff Profile > Calendar View

Agency users can now have the capability to observe the Staff Calendar in the time zone of the office. In the Calendar view, meetings will be displayed according to the office’s time zone, as the office is the entity organizing the meetings. This alignment will be evident in the Day, Week, and Month views.

CareSmartz360 Staff Profile Updates

Ability to filter Clients by Care Coordinator on the Schedule calendar

Agency user(s) now have the option to filter clients on the Schedule Calendar according to the Care Coordinator. This filter will be visible only if the agency employs the Care Coordinator concept. By choosing one or more Care Coordinators, users can narrow down the list of clients.

CareSmartz360 Scheduling Updates

Email search enhancement in All User Profiles

Agency user(s) will now have the capability to search emails without being restricted by a specific date range. In the Task and Communication section of every user profile (including Client, Payer, Prospective Client, Caregiver, Staff, and Caregiver Applicant), if an agency user leaves both the Start and End Date fields empty and initiates the search, it will display all emails associated with that user. Additionally, the search function allows for flexibility, as it can be applied with either the Start or End Date left empty.

Introducing the Caregiver Checkout Status hierarchy in addition to Office settings

In the caregiver profile main tab (agency portal and agency app), now you will be able to manage the “Caregiver Checkout Status”. This is being introduced as a dropdown field with 3 options “Same as Office Settings”, “TC-Time tracking Confirmed”, and “APRVD-Approved”. This is set to be a mandatory field that will consist of the default value “Same as Office Settings” initially.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Checkout Status Updates

On the default selection “Same as office settings”, this will copy the checkout status for the caregiver as set in the Office settings. When the user selects any other setting than the “Same as Office Settings” for any caregiver, the checkout status for that caregiver will be picked up as set in the Caregiver’s Profile “Checkout Status”. Priority will be given to what is set in the “Caregiver’s Profile”.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Checkout Status Update

Selection of Reason codes while cancelling shifts

Agency/Admin users will now be able to select reason code from dropdown at the time of shift cancellation from agency portal. After selection of the code, the user will then have an option to enter the notes if they wish to. Default set of reason codes will be populated for all agencies as defined in the DDM – scheduling – Shift cancellation reasons dropdown. In case user selects the reason code as “Other”, then the textbox will become mandatory for the user to fill in the reason. Reason codes will be applicable for the following status change on agency portal & agency app

  • Cancelled by Client
  • Cancelled by Caregiver
  • Unapproved

Default reason codes will be managed from DDM scheduling where in new event is added in the name of – Shift cancellation reasons. The default values will be shown & the agencies will have the option to Edit / Delete the reason codes they wish to from the settings. Agencies will be able to add any additional reasons if they wish to.
Please note that “Other” option will always be there with no Edit & Delete option for everyone.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Shift Schedule Update

DMAS-98r and DMAS-225 forms

Users will be able to generate a pre-filled PDF – DMAS 98r and DMAS-225 forms from our system under the clients -> Other forms tab.

CareSmartz360 DMAS Forms Update

On click of the +new form dropdown, the user can select the DMAS98 or the DMAS225 form. Upon selection, the custom form will open where in form will open for the user to fill in the details and only specific field data will populate that are present in the system.
However, other field-level data shall be empty for the user to enter the same. Once the form is filled, the user can then click on the download section for the PDF to save the DMAS-98r/DMAS-225 form as per their browser settings as PDF in the state-defined format.

CareSmartz360 Client DMAS Forms Update

By clicking the Summary Button, the user will be able to view the form in Renderer and in case they wish to download the form as a PDF file then they should be able to do the same or they can resume by opening the custom form and make necessary edits.
Also, on click of finish later, the user will be able to close this pop-up and come back later to finish and download the form.

On click of Download, the DMAS 98-r/DMAS-225 will open in a new tab as a pdf form.

Documents attached under Employment history for Caregiver Applicant

The documents attached under Employment history at the time of the caregiver applicant were not visible after the caregiver applicant was hired as a caregiver.
With this release, those documents that were uploaded under employment history while the caregiver was an applicant & now hired as a caregiver will be shown under the employment history section along with the ability to download the same.

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Applicant Form Update

CareSmartz360 Caregiver Applicant Forms Update

Caregiver Applicant form is now multi-lingual

The external caregiver applicant form will now be available in 2 more languages apart from English i.e. French & Spanish.

However, the configurations done under office settings will be still in English for now.

CareSmartz360 Mulitilingual Caregiver Applicant Form Update

Increase in Character count while adding authorization hours

While adding authorization hours, the system will now allow the users to enter hours up to 2 decimal places. For example, hours like 1234.56 can be added. Maximum of up to 4 digits before the decimal place & max of 2 digits after the decimal will be allowed.

Showcasing the number of characters & SMS count while sending an SMS

Users will now be able to view the number of characters & SMS count while composing the SMS so that they are aware of what the message looks like at the time of sending.

CareSmartz360 SMS Update for Users

EVV / EDI updates

Sandata Updates in the state of California & Missouri

With this release, while posting client to Sandata, all the client – payer combinations with EVV payer program shall be posted in the JSON file.

Also, if calls were captured correctly during the visit: AdjInDateTime & AdjOutDateTime values will be sent out as Null. However, if calls were captured during the visit, but the caregiver logged in late and logged out early: AdjInDateTime & AdjOutDateTime should consist of the value of actual In & Out times for that Visit. This change is for the claim processing purposes.

Sandata Updates in the state of North Dakota

Overnight visits will be split into 2 visits while sending to Sandata & shall be shown as 2 visits on the Sandata data post report so that two different claims can be filed, Also, this will be irrespective of the overnight split turned on or off in the client profile.

The first split visit end time must be changed to 11:59 pm instead of 00:00 am. the second visit was created with a start time of 00:00 am. e.g. if an overnight visit is scheduled on 1Dec 08:00 pm – 2nd Dec 06:00 am then the visit must be split as the first visit 1Dec 08:00 PM – 11:59 PM and the Second Visit as 2nd Dec 00:00 AM – 06:00 AM.

This exception occurs when a visit has been scheduled, but no calls have been received for that visit. This exception will also be applied when clock-in / clock-out are manually done or Automatic clock-in /clock-out & direct approve.
State where this applicable

  • Hawaii
  • North Carolina
  • Colorado
  • Arizona

Sandata Exception “Location Required” update in the state of Colorado

In the state of Colorado, the “Location Required” exception should get applied on the following basis.

  • The task “Alternate Location” is marked completed in any schedule.
  • The phone number from which the call was made is not associated with the client
  • The visit contains both a manual in and out call
  • The visit contains an adjusted call-in and/or adjusted call out and does not contain a call-in or call-out

HHAeXchange Visit Edit reason code update in the state of Pennsylvania

Following Visit Edit Reason is added – code 123 that will be used for the payer’s highlighted in the screenshot below

CareSmartz360 HHAeXchnage Update in Pennsylvania

HHAeXchange updates on Overnight Split Functionality

Overnight visits will be split into 2 visits while sending to HHAeXchange & shall be shown as 2 visits on the HHAeXchange report so that claims can be filed as per the each MCO’s rule. Also, this will be irrespective of the overnight split turned on or off in the client profile.

The first split visit end time must be changed to 11:59 pm instead of 00:00 am. the second visit was created with a start time of 00:00 am. e.g. if an overnight visit is scheduled on 1Dec 08:00 pm – 2nd Dec 06:00 am then the visit must be split as the first visit 1Dec 08:00 PM – 11:59 PM and the Second Visit as 2nd Dec 00:00 AM – 06:00 AM.

HHAeXchange Office NPI update in the state of PA & NC

Please note that office NPI is now required for service codes that do not require authorization while exporting the billed visits export report V5.

EDI Updates – Inovalon (formerly known as Ability) Clearing house

Our system is now compatible with downloading the EDI file manually instead of having a direct connection via API to transfer files. Agencies can reach out to support to get this feature enabled.

Update to the Oregon ADP report format

    In the state of Oregon, the ADP file export has been updated as per the latest state format.

  • A new field has been introduced “Rendering Provider ID” under the EVV Configuration screen where the provider’s Rendering provider ID can be entered.
  • Under the Client type field under Clients → Main tab → Client type dropdown, 2 new values have been added – KPS, CMS state Plan in addition to ADP value.
  • The Status column will reflect the value as New or adjusted based on the file being exported for the first time or subsequent time.
  • The capture method will also populate the method as Automated in case the clock-in / clock-out are done via GPS or IVR & the method will be marked a Manual in case manual clock-in/clock-out method is adopted.

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