28 March 2023

New Features and Updates

Revolutionize Caregiving with Mobile App & Ad Hoc Scheduling: GPS Tracking, EVV/EDI Updates

Following are the changes in this release:

There will be an update to the Agency mobile app & Caregiver app with this release On the Agency app updated version will be 2.2 for both iOS & Android devices. The Caregiver mobile app with version 2.29 for both iOS & Android will be released in the stores. The minimum operating system requirements are “Lollipop” for Android and v11.0 for Apple devices.

Sage50 – Caregiver File Download

Users will now be able to download the Sage50 Compatible caregiver file. On selecting the caregivers from the caregiver listing screen, further clicking the ‘Download File for Sage50’ button, a CSV file will be downloaded.
The file downloaded will have the name format as CG_DateTime(24Hrs). i.e if the file is downloaded on 3rd January at 09:50:01 then the name of the file should be CG_01032023095001.

Caregiver App Update

Sage50 – Payroll File

Users will now be able to download Sage50 Compatible Payroll File. On View Finalized Payroll Batch Screen an option to download “Sage50 CSV Export” will be available on click, then the Sage 50 payroll would be downloaded. The csv file will have the name format as PAY_DateTime (24HRS).

Sage50 Compatible Payroll File Update

Travel Time and Mileage Rates customization at the Caregiver Level

Agency users will now be able to customize the Travel Time and Mileage rates at the Caregiver level. In the HR tab of the Caregiver profile, a new section ‘Time/Mileage Pay Rates’ has been added. The section will be visible in the caregiver profile when the Travel Time settings are enabled in the office settings (Payroll).

If the Time and Mileage fields are updated in the caregiver profile, then these values will override the values in the office settings.

If the Time/Mileage has been set as ‘0.0’ in the caregiver’s profile then no travel/mileage would be reimbursed to the user, even if there are values available in the office settings.

Based on the field value selection for “How do you want to pay” in the office settings, the time and mileage fields will be visible to the user. i.e if only Mileage is selected in the office settings, then only the Mileage field would be displayed in the caregiver profile. In the case that both time and mileage are selected (Office settings) then both fields would be visible in the caregiver profile.

Caregiver Travel Time and Mileage Rates Customization Update

Ad hoc Scheduling

Caregivers will have the ability to create schedules on the go with clients that are assigned to them. From now on, Caregivers will be able to create an ad hoc schedule from the caregiver mobile app & caregiver portal if they are allowed as per their office settings.

Caregiver Ad hoc Scheduling

Under Office settings, Users will have the ability to enable ad hoc schedules & then select the caregivers for which they wish to enable. Once the caregiver is selected, the ad hoc schedule feature will be enabled for clients & caregivers that worked already in the past. For the new caregivers, the admin or agency user will have to go to the client’s profile for the first time in order to enable this feature. Please note that hierarchy preference will be given to the client section.

Once the feature is enabled, Caregivers will be able to create ad hoc schedules from both the mobile app & caregiver portal. At the time of creation, the caregiver will be asked to select the client for whom they wish to create the schedule along with the service type selection. Once the service type is selected, the caregiver will be asked to enter a reason for creating ad hoc schedule. Please note that the address will be captured from the latitude & longitude at the time of schedule creation.

Schedule creation time will be treated as clock-in time for the schedule with no end time defined. Caregivers will have the option to clock out at any time they wish to clock out & clock-out time will be treated as the end time for the schedule.
Once the schedule is created, agency/admin users will be able to see this ad hoc schedule under a new screen named “ad hoc Schedules” The list of these will be populated for the admin/ agency user to review the schedule & approve once the clock-out is done. Agency/admin users will also have the ability to clock out on the schedule at any time if they wish to from this screen itself.

Caregiver App Ad hoc Scheduling
Caregiver Mobile App Ad hoc Scheduling

Upon approval of the schedule by agency/admin users, all the relevant conflicts will appear for the user to look into before approval & make necessary updates.

Once the schedule is approved, it would start appearing under the approved view under time tracking views. Also, upon approval, this ad hoc schedule will appear under client/caregivers calendar & schedule calendar. Before approval, this schedule will only appear under the ad hoc view.

Caregiver Mobile App and Portal Ad hoc Scheduling

On the Caregiver app & portal, Before completion of the schedule or marking the clock-out, all the relevant office settings will be applicable on the schedule like it does for any regular schedule except the threshold, distance & range settings. At the time of clock-out, email & SMS notifications will be sent to selected agency users in case the authorization is exceeded on that schedule & Service type.

Update in Caregiver Scheduling app & portal

Please note that this feature is applicable only on the caregiver portal & caregiver app (Online mode only).

Caregiver Location Tracking

Agency users will have the ability to track the caregiver’s location during the shift. We have enabled a setting in the Office settings where once the setting is enabled a disclaimer message will be displayed for agency users to confirm before this setting is enabled. Similarly, a disclaimer for Caregivers will be taken at the time when they work on the shift for the very first time.

Caregiver Location Tracking Update
Caregiver's Location Tracking During the Shift

Once the disclaimers are accepted the selection of Caregivers will happen in the office setting itself. Live tracking will be applicable on schedules for those specific caregivers.

Live tracking will only be applicable when the Caregiver is performing the shift & will start once Clock-in is performed. Tracking will end once Clock-out is performed. In case the clock-out was missed by the caregiver on the schedule, the live tracking will end after 24 hours from the scheduled start time for that visit automatically or a manual clock-out is performed, whichever comes first.

Caregiver Live Location Tracking

Separate icons will be displayed on the schedules under the time tracking screen for the users to check before approving the visits in order to highlight them.

Caregiver Time and Location Tracking

On the web portal, the user will be able to Caregiver tracking will be shown on the Agency app → Schedule Calendar & under client / Caregiver → Schedule tab for schedule individually.

Caregiver Agency App Location Tracking
Caregiver Live Location Tracking Update

A new report will be created in the name of Caregiver tracking where in the data will be grouped by caregiver & all the schedules for the same date will be shown.

Caregiver Location Tracking Report
Caregiver Tracking Report

This feature will be available in Online & offline modes both on the mobile app & on the caregiver portal as well.

EVV/ EDI updates

Option to Enable or Disable EVV data in EDI files where required

Under the client-payer section, we have introduced a new setting “Exclude EVV data in EDI file” for client-payer combinations where EVV data for any specific client-payer combination is not required. If the checkbox is selected, EVV data points will not go into the 837 P & 837 I files for that client payer combination.

If the checkbox is not selected, EVV data points will keep going in the files as they presently do.

Exclude EVV data in EDI file Update

North Carolina – NC tracks EDI Integration

CareSmartz360 is associated with NC tracks via a Trading partner agreement in order to submit 837 P & 837 I files in the state of North Carolina.

HHAeXchange – Data Integration – Authorization Export

With this release, users will be able to fetch patient authorization data from HHAeXchange via SFTP into CareSmartz360 along with the patient data.

All the patient’s information along with the Authorization data will be fetched into CareSmartz360 automatically once the feature is enabled under the EVV configuration screen.

CareSmartz360 EVV Configuration

HHAeXchange – Task mapping for Florida State

Agency/Admin users can map the task with the tasks required by HHAeXchange in the state of Florida

HHAeXchange Task Mapping for Florida State

Tennessee – Carebridge Integration

CareSmartz360 is now integrated with Carebridge in the state of Tennessee for the following payers.

CareSmartz360 Integration with Carebridge in Tennessee state

Authenticare Data Post – Workflow Improvement – Add Filter for Client/Caregiver Status

Client & Caregiver status filters have been added in the Authenticare Manual data post screen so that users can filter out the data as per their requirements.

Client & Caregiver status filters

HHAeXchange Update Added to Procedure Code Table || NJ DMHAS – Home Health Services & personal care services both

Following procedure codes have been added for NJ Home health & personal care services both

HHAeXchange Update to Procedure Code Table - NJ State

HHAeXchange Update to Procedure Code table || MN state

HHAeXchange Update to Procedure Code table - MN state
HHAeXchange Update to Procedure Codes- MN state
HHAeXchange Updates to Procedure Codes- MN state
HHAeXchange Updates to Procedure Codes

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