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Creative Ways to Celebrate Halloween
Creative Ways to Celebrate Halloween

Halloween will be quite different for 2020, but that doesn’t mean you need to celebrate this exciting festival virtually. You just need to give wings to your creativity.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially released the essential set of safety tips for Halloween to ensure that everyone can enjoy the festive season and remain safe at their place of residence.

It shouldn’t be a big surprise that the CDC is spreading the word regarding Halloween as it may increase the chances of infection when kids visit door to door to get sweets.

Since we know the infection spreads whenever an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches a contaminated spot, children and adults gathering in groups outside their homes have the potential to spread the COVID-19 virus.

Family and friends must understand the risk and consider the number of cases in their community as they plan to celebrate the evening. Moreover, gatherings with more people would certainly increase the risk of contamination. Adults must plan small gatherings while considering the CDC’s guidelines.

Let’s find out how you can get more out of Halloween with some creative ideas that keep you safe and having fun at your home.

DIY Decoration and Costume

Your Halloween décor could be a showstopper if you just invoke your creativity this season. You can start with lighting and paper chains on your door and windows to add a pinch of sophistication.

It would be great to utilize your creativity in designing a scary costume for your little ones since it may not be the right time to go out and purchase one. You can get design ideas and find DIY tutorials on the internet and it would be fun if you’re already seeking something to make your creative juices flow.

Try Your Hands on Halloween Treats

Halloween is incomplete without a bunch of scrumptious treats and it won’t be a bad idea to explore endless options available to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Since many of you might have mastered your baking and cutlery skills during the lockdown period; it’s the best time to showcase your talent by making delicious Halloween treats to please children and your neighbours.

Regardless of what you’ll prepare for the special eve, you’ll have great moments with your dear ones who were already in need of a break.

Camping in the Lawn

So what’s special about this Halloween despite it’s happening amidst the global pandemic? Well, there’s a full moon on Halloween this year, which is quite rare and happens once in 18-19 years!

Furthermore, it’s the blue moon, which means the second blue moon of the month. Don’t you think that’s more than enough to celebrate this Halloween beneath the moon by setting up a tent in your backyard?

You can plan the same with your neighbours and share scrumptious delights by maintaining social distancing (staying in your respected yards) in your respected garden/backyard to ensure your celebrations don’t invite the unwanted guests.

You can ask your elderly dear ones to accompany you. They may be looking for a change of scenery as they have been at home for a while and may need a break from their regular schedule.

Drive-thru Trick-or-Treat

A car parade on your block can be a game-changer especially when kids are expecting to trick-or-treat but the current circumstances have limited their amusement. You can drive your car and toss candies or other treats for the kids who remain at their yards.

In return, you can expect the same from them as they gently toss the treats for your kids. This would be a fun way to make a difference in their Halloween experience during a crucial time when we have to ensure everyone is safe in all aspects.

Other drive-thru activities can also be rewarding. For instance, you can talk to your neighbours to form a chain with your car and everyone follows. You can also plan a trip to a nearby scary place or haunted areas while maintaining social distancing. It would be best to park your vehicles at a safe distance and enjoy the eve without stepping out.

Carve Pumpkin and Decorate Your Garden

Decorating a pumpkin isn’t something that you will be missing out on this Halloween but a little creativity can help you enjoy this activity even more. You can decorate your yard with scary pumpkins along with lighting that catches everyone’s attention.

You can also organize a quick competition of pumpkin decorating or carving with the neighbours while maintaining a social distance. This would help you unite with your friends and neighbours as well as ensuring everyone’s safety.

Moreover, you can enhance your evening with a couple of spooky snacks coupled with party music, which would surely leave you with some of the best memories.

Plan a Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Take your children to the next level of amusement by planning a scavenger hunt at your place. You can provide a list of Halloween-themed items to look for inside or outside your home, which not only keeps them excited but eventually makes the special day even more remarkable.

This activity eliminates any chance of COVID-19 infection since the children are playing inside the home and can even search for hidden clues in the backyard, which is again a safe place for them.

A Virtual Halloween Costume Contest

Since you can’t go outside your home, it would be best for all the family members to plan and participate in a virtual Halloween costume contest.

Start exploring ideas to create your unique costume that not only stands out of the league but eventually horrifies your neighbours whenever you howl.

So what are you waiting for? Ask every member of your family to come up with ideas and start preparing their costumes. Unlike the previous years, you can help your elderly participate and make sure you design their costume and join the most exciting virtual Halloween celebration.

In a Nutshell

Halloween is one of the most enjoyed festivals for kids and the current situations have surely impacted the traditional celebrations. It’s the responsibility of the adults to ensure everyone is wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing along with adequate hand hygiene whenever they gather to celebrate the special day.

Furthermore, the activities mentioned here can help assist in making this Halloween special for everyone where each member of the family can participate without the risk of COVID-19 infection.

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