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10 Home Care Software Updates
10 Home Care Software Updates

At CareSmartz360, we’re all about exceeding expectations, and we’ve been listening closely to our client’s needs. That’s why our latest product updates are here, meticulously crafted to tackle the evolving challenges our clients have shared with us. We’re thrilled to introduce you to features our clients have requested.

In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead is not just an option; it’s essential. With the demand for top-tier home care services on the rise, we’re armed with cutting-edge solutions that do more than keep up – they put our clients ahead of the curve. Whether running an agency, working as a caregiver, or seeking the best care for your loved ones, our updates are your secret weapon for streamlining operations, elevating caregiver-client interactions, and delivering the best care.

No more delays; let’s dive right into CareSmartz360’s product updates:

1. Ad Hoc Scheduling to Organize Shifts On-the-Go:

Ad Hoc Scheduling software

CareSmartz360 has brought an immense update in its software to organize caregiver shifts seamlessly. The latest update allows caregivers to create schedules with their assigned clients from the caregiver mobile app and caregiver portal.

The ad-hoc scheduling feature allows caregivers to schedule one-time shifts with just a few clicks quickly. You can easily create and assign shifts & manage client requests- all in one place.

The benefits of the new feature release are many:

  • Caregivers can create their shifts, promising on-the-go care.
  • Scheduling is hassle-free, with little to no intervention from agencies, saving costs & time and improving care outcomes.
  • Easy shift approvals with accurate clock-in and clock-out.
  • Enhances client & caregiver satisfaction through greater control over schedules.
  • Greater flexibility makes room for personalized caregiving.

This feature is an exemplary way to empower caregivers with real-time scheduling and manage client requests on the go.

2. Time-tracking to Track Caregiver Locations:

Caregiver Location Tracking Software

CareSmartz360’s product update has been an immense relief to agency users. Yes, a new feature- location tracking- came as a relaxation for agencies struggling to time track their caregivers during their shifts.

Agencies can now track their caregiver movement after they clock in and check where they’re heading until they clock out. This new feature will promise quality care to older adults without leaving any scope for unexplained caregiver absence during the shift.

3. Put Empowerment at your Caregivers’ Fingertips with Forms Extension:

Caregiver Mobile App

Imagine the convenience of submitting information while on the move without experiencing any more delays or disruptions. Well, CareSmartz360’s new and innovative update- forms extension on caregiver’s mobile app, enables caregivers to submit forms directly through their mobile devices, irrespective of whether these are surveys or essential documents.

4. Caregiver Compliance Management Made Easy:

Caregiver Compliance Management App

With the latest update, caregivers can now effortlessly modify their compliance details through the caregiver mobile application or caregiver portal. Caregivers will now experience user-friendly options within the compliance section, making room for hassle-free updates.

5. IVR System Now Speaks Spanish:

Hola! The language barrier is now a thing of the past.

The good news is that CareSmartz360’s IVR system is now compatible with the Spanish language in addition to the English language. Launching the IVR system in Spanish will elevate the user experience, aiming at providing comprehensive support in the preferred language.

6. Seamless Payroll Management:

 Home Care Payroll Management Software

Commit NO mistakes! With our latest update, say goodbye to payroll errors and experience a seamless and error-free payroll process.

We’ve also supercharged our integrations to streamline payroll processing, saving you time and effort. Revolutionize payroll with enhanced Viventium and Paychex integrations, providing home care agencies with a seamless and powerful experience.

  • With the improved Viventium integration, effortlessly access essential employee data to streamline payroll processing and ensure accuracy.
  • With our Paychex integration, maintaining worker pay rates is now a breeze. Whether it’s sick time, PTO, or regular work hours, CareSmartz360 seamlessly provides the hours data required for payroll calculations in Paychex.

7. Introducing Vendor Workflow for QBO for Smooth Finances:

Now, agencies can add vendors in QuickBooks Online (QBO) with our latest update, providing a seamless integration experience. Streamline your financial processes and stay up-to-date with vendor details, transactions, and more, all within your QuickBooks Online system.

8. Introducing Estimated Distance and Travel Time Feature for Effortless Scheduling:

Home Care Scheduling software

Introducing the distance and travel time directly on the schedule window, our new feature enhances scheduling and coordination capabilities for agency users. Home care schedulers can effortlessly match caregivers to clients based on proximity, reducing travel expenses and optimizing workforce allocation.

Additionally, agencies can efficiently filter and organize schedules based on client/caregiver preferences. Customize open shift colors for improved visibility and effortless tracking.

9. Plan Vacations your Way with Custom Holiday Management:

Caregivers, make holidays work well for you. Experience the freedom and flexibility of customized holiday management with the latest release. Wondering how? Well, caregivers can create multiple holidays in a single day with a holiday listing page that includes columns for start date/ time and end date/time.

10. Powerful EVV Integrations:

Electronic Visit Verification Integrations

CareSmartz360 has shown promising growth in numerous states across the United States over the past few months. Our electronic visit verification solution is now available in the states of:

  • Missouri
  • Washington
  • Tennessee
  • Alaska
  • Mississippi
  • Illinois
  • Connecticut

The availability of CareSmartz360 in the states mentioned above will enable accurate time-tracking and caregiver location verification. Clock-ins and clock-outs are logged, allowing you to verify billable hours for each shift. Additionally, caregiver location tracking verifies their presence during assigned shifts, ensuring compliance, resolving invoicing discrepancies, and maintaining legal requirements.

The Conclusion

While these updates may seem simple, know they’re powerful.

These regular updates in CareSmartz360 will make care easier for home care agency providers. After all, the all-in-one home care management solution aims at combining quality and convenience for users, creating software that drives agencies to better care.

With the latest updates, CareSmartz360 is establishing the home care industry for a roaring success. Want to see these latest updates in action? Get a live, in-depth walkthrough and experience the power of our cutting-edge technology.

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